daa84 / neovim-gtk

gtk ui for neovim
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bug ? nvim-gtk only works if is launched from a console #102

Closed Zardoz89 closed 6 years ago

Zardoz89 commented 6 years ago

This a bit weird... I have nvim-gtk isntalled on /usr/local/ and I have a .desktop file pointing to it. I noticed that (I could check since what commit this is happening), I launch nvim-gtk from the desktop menu or the app launcher, the gui isn't show. However, doing a "ps aux | grep nvim" shows the nvim-gtk process but not nvim process.

Even I try to launch nvim-gtk directly from krunner using the path to the nvim-gtk executable. Same thing. Looks that nvim-gtk only works correctly if I launch it from the console.

PD: I verified that this is happening with the last commit ( f7ee2ea3d89af59e57f956f5b68f173e0ace1ee7 ), and was happening on the commit ( bda35efe8810f7cfab9c56778f9dd7cb066425c2 )

Zardoz89 commented 6 years ago

I managed to workaround creating a bash script that launches nvim-gtk and using it to launch it from the DE launcher/menu.

daa84 commented 6 years ago

This is some kde launcher thing, it creates std input that check by isatty as not tty. Looks like same as #91

Zardoz89 commented 6 years ago

This happens with Eclipse. I have it config to launch nvim-gtk. The funny thing is that the bash script trick, not fixes it! If I try to do a kill to the bash script, suddenly nvim-gtk pops up. Also, I noticed that when I close eclipse, suddenly all nvim-gtk instances pops up.

Update ... Yep, doing the < /dev/null on the bash script fix the problem with eclipse. I close this, as is a duplicate of #91