daa84 / neovim-gtk

gtk ui for neovim
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Menu is missing from DBUS - Global menu don't work now #178

Open Zardoz89 opened 5 years ago

Zardoz89 commented 5 years ago

NeoVim-GTK was announcing his menu on dbus, so Global Menu was working a few months ago. Now, with the menu inside a "dots button", this doesn't work any more.

Zardoz89 commented 5 years ago

Please! Can someone try to fix this ! Was working fine a lot of time ago :

Actual version : Actual nvim-gtk

Old version from autumn : Old nvim-gtk from autumn

daa84 commented 5 years ago

This is result of #151

alerque commented 5 years ago

@Zardoz89 I'm not a huge fan of the Gnome HIG and this is one case where they are pushing strongly in the opposite direction I would have gone. That being said I don't think projects like this one are the place to fight that battle and try to hang on to deprecated functions. Doing that makes for even worse application design (not to mention inconsistency) and eventually badly behaved apps that don't play nicely with the DE.

As much as I don't like some aspects of the Gnome HIG, I much prefer to use apps that actually follow the guidelines consistently over ones that try to roll their own interfaces, hand on to legacy unsupported paradigms, or just flat out aren't updated. I'm glad to see this project is keeping pace with Gnome and presenting Neovim inside the simplest cleanest HIG compliant wrapper possible.

Zardoz89 commented 5 years ago

I removed my previous comment, because It was very opinionated. I apologize for being rude. I would only say that I'm strongly against the way of Gnome developers impose his view of how should be the desktop. Particularly when an app that I use frequently stops to work fine with any DE that isn't Gnome.

alerque commented 5 years ago

@Zardoz89 Why do you say that here? I actually don't use Gnome as my DE, and use this project inside a plain Xorg+Awesome-WM environment. Partly because of following the HIG properly and not assuming a DE with certain UI features available, it is able to fully function as expected in a different DE.

Zardoz89 commented 5 years ago

You can see on my captures, how something simple as global menu has just stop working because a third party decide to change how menus should work.

alerque commented 5 years ago

@Zardoz89 That "third party" you mention is the party that wrote the desktop environment that has to draw the components. If you'd like to complain about the move away from global menus and toward client side decorations in general, this project is not the place to do so. Take it to the places where upstream discussions happen.

johnfactotum commented 3 years ago

While GNOME has moved away from the app menu, apps can (and many do) add a menu bar, which will be shown as a global menu on some platforms.

If one

Then the menubar will only be shown when the desktop environment supports global menu, and it will continue to behave exactly the same as it does now under GNOME or other environments that don't support global menu.

There's also gtk_application_prefers_app_menu () that can be used to see if the desktop environment prefers the app menu.