daa84 / neovim-gtk

gtk ui for neovim
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Background was set to white #213

Open sriharshachilakapati opened 4 years ago

sriharshachilakapati commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug Renders with incorrect background by default, and with the wrong font.


After setting the font using RPC, it still has a bright background.


I'm having a fresh install of neovim with zero configuration. Looks perfectly normal in command prompt.


Technical information (please complete the following information):

csrocha commented 3 years ago

Hi @sriharshachilakapati , I fix it executing nvim-gtk with --cterm-colors argument.

$ nvim-gtk --cterm-colors


$ nvim-gtk --help
NeovimGtk v0.2.0-76-gc036492
daa84 <daa84@inbox.ru>
Build on top of neovim
Minimum supported neovim version: 0.3.2

    nvim-gtk [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [files]... [-- <nvim-args>...]

        --cterm-colors           Use ctermfg/ctermbg instead of guifg/guibg
        --disable-win-restore    Don't restore window size at start
    -h, --help                   Prints help information
        --no-fork                Prevent detach from console
    -V, --version                Prints version information

        --nvim-bin-path <nvim-bin-path>    Path to nvim binary
        --timeout <timeout>                Wait timeout in seconds. If nvim does not response in given time NvimGtk
                                           stops [default: 10]

    <files>...        Files to open
    <nvim-args>...    Args will be passed to nvim