daaain / Handlebars

Fullest Handlebars.js templating support for Sublime Text 2 / 3. Also drives syntax colouring on Github and in Visual Studio Code. Install from: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Handlebars.
MIT License
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Feature request: {{else if}} helper syntax highlighting #75

Closed Nibblesh closed 8 years ago

Nibblesh commented 8 years ago

else if is supported in handlebars 3+ and isn't getting syntax highlighting

hlvnst commented 8 years ago

I was just working on some Handlebars, and it's a simple fix, so here you go, PR #76 fixes it.

daaain commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the heads up @Nibblesh and as usual thanks so much for the implementation @hlvnst, you're a great community to maintain a package for :heart:

Nibblesh commented 8 years ago

Really fast turnover, thanks and great job guys