daaain / Handlebars

Fullest Handlebars.js templating support for Sublime Text 2 / 3. Also drives syntax colouring on Github and in Visual Studio Code. Install from: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Handlebars.
MIT License
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Cannot run in new SublimeText build 3114 #82

Closed aMarCruz closed 8 years ago

aMarCruz commented 8 years ago

SublimeText build 3114, Linux Mint 17.3, errors:

no such context .tag-generic-attribute in Packages/Handlebars/grammars/Handlebars.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.ruby: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.ruby in Packages/Handlebars/grammars/Handlebars.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.coffee: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.coffee in Packages/Handlebars/grammars/Handlebars.tmLanguage
error: Error loading syntax file "Packages/Handlebars/grammars/Handlebars.tmLanguage": Apparent recursion within a with_prototype action: 25000 context sanity limit hit
daaain commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the report!

I only get the first line though and Handlebars files still seem to load and get coloured.

Anyway, it's definitely a bug, that context is indeed missing, looking into it!