daaain / Handlebars

Fullest Handlebars.js templating support for Sublime Text 2 / 3. Also drives syntax colouring on Github and in Visual Studio Code. Install from: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Handlebars.
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[Sublime Text 3] Handlebars Syntax not applied on .hbs file open #87

Closed TylerJBrown192 closed 7 years ago

TylerJBrown192 commented 8 years ago

When you open any .hbs file, the Handlebars syntax is not applied.

I saw other issues posted regarding this topic, but the solution to those was either file reloading or Sublime indicating the 'Mustache' syntax was being applied, which for me it does say 'Handlebars' in the bottom right corner.

Windows 7 Sublime Text Build 3114

daaain commented 7 years ago

Hey @TylerJBrown192,

I'm really not sure what's going on, works for me perfectly on the same OS X build.

If you look at the extension list, .hbs is definitely on it (as well as several others): https://github.com/daaain/Handlebars/blob/master/grammars/Handlebars.json#L862

Hmm, one idea, can you please paste the list of packages you have installed? Maybe it's a combination with another package?

TylerJBrown192 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, this is indeed very bizarre behavior. Listed below are all installed packages:

    "Babel Snippets",
    "C# Snippets",
    "Color Highlighter",
    "CSS Snippets",
    "Ember Template Component Split View",
    "Ember.js Snippets",
    "Github Tools",
    "HTML (C#)",
    "HTML Snippets",
    "HTML-CSS-JS Prettify",
    "JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets",
    "JavaScript Snippets",
    "JSHint Gutter",
    "Markdown Extended",
    "Markdown Preview",
    "Monokai - Spacegray",
    "Monokai Extended",
    "Monokai Neue",
    "Package Control",
    "ReactJS Snippets",
    "Ruby Completions",
    "Sublimerge Pro",
    "Theme - Afterglow",

Also, when I try and 'Open all with current extension as...', this is the console output if you're interested:

Assigning hbs to syntax Packages/Handlebars/grammars/Handlebars.tmLanguage
reloading settings Packages/User/Handlebars.sublime-settings
warning: mnemonic t not found in menu caption Tools

No errors are thrown on .hbs file open though.

daaain commented 7 years ago

Hmm, nothing jumps out as a potential source of conflict. Console output looks OK too.

I know it's a super annoying request, but can you try with a fresh ST install?

Or actually, have you tried reinstall the package itself and Package Manager?

TylerJBrown192 commented 7 years ago

Didn't want to let this hang, so I'll give a quick update:

I can confirm that this issue is also happening on my 2015 MacBook Pro (OSX El Capitan & Sublime Text 3 Build 3114). By that logic, there has to be some sort of interfering package and not a windows-specific issue as I originally thought. I'm going to try and uninstall and reinstall them one by one and find the conflict, and I'll let you know.

TylerJBrown192 commented 7 years ago

Well, I found it @daaain . It was the package Seti_UI.

As an experiment, after I found who the culprit was I did a completely clean reinstall of Sublime Text 3 (Preference files and all). I then installed Package Control, then Handlebars, then Seti_UI. There are still no console errors whatsoever on file open or program start.

TylerJBrown192 commented 7 years ago

Hopefully should be fixed in Seti_UI with my pull request here. I'm gonna close this issue out if that's okay!

daaain commented 7 years ago

Perfect, thanks a lot for the investigation!

highpointwebdesign commented 6 years ago

thanks Tyler for this comment:

The bottom right corner does say 'Handlebars' indicating that the syntax should be applied.

Once I told ST3 to use it as a handlebar, any future hbs file I opened, opened correctly with the right styling applied.

carlostighe commented 6 years ago

I had SETI_UI but also my theme was interfering with this

redbulled commented 5 years ago

"Seti_Monokai" also conflicts with Handlebars package