daaain / Handlebars

Fullest Handlebars.js templating support for Sublime Text 2 / 3. Also drives syntax colouring on Github and in Visual Studio Code. Install from: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Handlebars.
MIT License
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Incorrect highlighting with quotes and dollar signs #89

Closed spadgos closed 7 years ago

spadgos commented 7 years ago

This looks a little similar to #84 in its symptoms, but it's a different bug I think.


When the identifier at the start begins with a $ the string highlighting goes awry.

spadgos commented 7 years ago

Other weirdness too:


daaain commented 7 years ago

Sorry for not responding for such a long time, just got around to spend a bit of time on this and managed to fix!

spadgos commented 7 years ago

No worries, thanks for the fix, and for the plugin in general! :bowing_man: