daaku / dak

Dak is a Lisp like language that transpiles to JavaScript.
MIT License
94 stars 1 forks source link

How to install #115

Open tungstengmd opened 1 month ago

tungstengmd commented 1 month ago

this might be a really dumb question but how would one get this on their pc

daaku commented 1 month ago

It's not a dumb question because it's currently janky as I started some work on the master branch but have not continued it.

To experiment with what's in master for server side code, you'll need to use bun, and grab bootstrap.js for preloading:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daaku/dak/main/src/bootstrap.mjs
echo '(console.log :hello-world)' > hello.dak
bun --preload=./bootstrap.mjs hello.dak
tungstengmd commented 1 month ago


tungstengmd commented 1 month ago

i see a lot of potential in this btw, however i recommend adding syntactic sugar like haskell or clojure, maybe even fennel if you wanna look at a similar exolisp