daankoning / debater.py

A simple library to keep track of your progress and history in competitive debating.
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Create `Tournament` objects from the tabbycat API #16

Open daankoning opened 1 year ago

daankoning commented 1 year ago

For similiar reasons to #4.

daankoning commented 1 year ago

I identify 2 main problems here.

Primarily that the API doesn't (as far as I am able to tell, both from prodding around and looking at the documentation) give acces to speaks and results on a per round basis. This alone probably already dooms this idea as the information that it would be able to fetch would be very limited.

Furthermore, even the data that is available varies greatly from tournament to tournament based on the privacy settings. This means that 1) the information available is even further limited and that 2) implementation seems quite painful.

daankoning commented 1 year ago

Scraping seems like a decent workaround but the tabbycat T&C need to be checked first before that.

daankoning commented 1 year ago

Seems to be possible as of https://github.com/TabbycatDebate/tabbycat/pull/2207.