daanzu / kaldi-active-grammar

Python Kaldi speech recognition with grammars that can be set active/inactive dynamically at decode-time
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Support for arm7l or aarch64 Raspberry Pi #24

Open varungujjar opened 4 years ago

varungujjar commented 4 years ago

Hey so i tried this and it works great on my macosx.. however is there a way i can compile this for raspberry pi4 arm7l or aarch64 ? :)

daanzu commented 4 years ago

I have done some testing on a raspberry pi 4 using raspian, and I seem to recall it compiling without much difficulty, but I haven't tried to package it up yet. I am planning on trying to set up continuous integration, and maybe I can set that up for arm builds then as well.

BTW, I only tested with the same model as I use on the desktop. It ran slowly, but was surprisingly usable. Nonetheless, I intend to release a smaller, more appropriate model for rpi.

varunquartic commented 4 years ago

sounds awesome..:) would be great if you help me with the steps to compile it on my pi4 (arm7l) 4GB .. Also raspbian is 32bit I guess & your documentation says it needs 64bit only.. so are you sure it works on 32bit so then i dont have to look for an aarch64 OS :D

LexiconCode commented 4 years ago

Actually I think 64-bit raspbian is coming just within a few weeks or sooner. Due to the raspberry pi 8 gb release. I assume you could run the 64-bit on the 4GB model.


varunquartic commented 4 years ago

@LexiconCode but i think its far away from stable at the moment. probably by end of this year it should be an alternative to 32bit OS

daanzu commented 4 years ago

Hmm, good point about 64bit! I did the testing on I believe a standard raspbian armv7l install. Perhaps Kaldi special cases its arm support to allow 32bit on armv7l, even though 64bit is required elsewhere?

daanzu commented 4 years ago

@varungujjar I just checked, and it is definitely running on:

daz@rpi4 ~> uname -a
Linux rpi4 4.19.97-v7l+ #1294 SMP Thu Jan 30 13:21:14 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
varungujjar commented 4 years ago

@daanzu sorry a very noob question... but am just new to this..:) i see the package kaldi_active_grammar-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl

will this run on arm7l or aarch64 ? or do i have to compile it ?

I just want to use one of your model for plaindictationrecognizer

daanzu commented 4 years ago

@varungujjar Sorry, that will only work on x64. I will take a look to see if I can do a quick package up of what I have testing.

varungujjar commented 4 years ago

@daanzu sure :D let me know how that goes..

also just managed to try the new pi4 64bit OS.. maybe i can compile one for aarch64 and share the package..if you can share the steps

Wil31 commented 3 years ago

@varungujjar Hello, I'm curious about how further you got regarding compiling for the RPi 4 in 64 bit ? I'm not having great success. You can find a thread in the discussions.

varungujjar commented 3 years ago

hey sorry been busy with my daily tasks.. did manage to runn on RPi 64bit aarch64... been a while since i touched it so will manage to collect the installation steps and post it here..