I have the following problem running the full_example.py
windows 10
pip install dragonfly2[kaldi]
pip install kaldi-active-grammar
`python full_example.py
Kaldi-Active-Grammar v1.8.3:
If this free, open source engine is valuable to you, please consider donating
Disable message by calling kaldi_active_grammar.disable_donation_message()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "full_example.py", line 12, in
decoder = compiler.init_decoder()
AttributeError: 'Compiler' object has no attribute 'init_decoder'`
Ah, sorry, that is because of some changes as I prepare to release v2.0 (Real Soon Now). Try checking out the repo's v1.8.3 tag and it should work I think. Let me know if not!
I have the following problem running the full_example.py
`python full_example.py
Kaldi-Active-Grammar v1.8.3: If this free, open source engine is valuable to you, please consider donating https://github.com/daanzu/kaldi-active-grammar Disable message by calling
decoder = compiler.init_decoder()
AttributeError: 'Compiler' object has no attribute 'init_decoder'`
Traceback (most recent call last): File "full_example.py", line 12, in