dabeaz / curio

Good Curio!
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Tagline proposal. #286

Closed caulagi closed 5 years ago

caulagi commented 5 years ago

I was wondering if it is ok to propose a tagline for this project. If so - I want to propose

turtles all the way down

... maybe somewhere in the readme.

PS: sorry about opening an empty issue and then editing

dabeaz commented 5 years ago

But what if curio is something that piled high into the air? Also, what if it's not turtles?

caulagi commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I should have been clearer. What I was thinking when I submitted this issue is - all the api's provided by curio, other than run, seem to be async (which seemed to me to be an useful mental model).

However, I see that there are many synchronous methods as well - grep -r 'def ' curio | grep -v async | grep -v '__'. I was hasty in my initial submission and should have looked around some more. Apologies.

dabeaz commented 5 years ago

No problem. TBH, my comment was a bit of weird humor.... there is a history of weird taglines and strange commentary surrounding curio and its docs. So, I was thinking in those terms.

In terms of APIs, almost all of Curio's API is still async however. So "turtles all the way down" is not too far off the mark in that respect.