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Uniswap V3 Swap Learneth Course #30

Open moritzfelipe opened 8 months ago

moritzfelipe commented 8 months ago
  1. Uniswap V3 Swap We propose the development of an interactive tutorial focused on the Uniswap V3 Swap contract, as featured on the 'Solidity by Example' website (https://solidity-by-example.org/defi/uniswap-v3-swap/). The tutorial will be designed for Remix Learneth and will be broken down into distinct, manageable steps. Each step will feature testable elements, and wherever feasible, we will incorporate assignments that participants can complete, supported by unit tests. The following outline serves as a preliminary agenda for the tutorial, although it is subject to modification as we delve deeper into the subject.

Step 1: Introduction Introduction to Uniswap and Its Significance Provide a brief introduction to Uniswap as a decentralized exchange. Explain the importance of decentralized exchanges in the crypto ecosystem. Introduction to the UniswapV3SwapExamples Contract Introduce the UniswapV3SwapExamples contract and its primary purpose. Highlight the role of this contract in enabling swaps on the Uniswap V3 platform. Discuss the advantages of using this contract for token swaps. Assignment: Evaluate learners' understanding of the introductory concepts. Assignment: Multiple choice test.

Step 2: Contract Structure and Variables ISwapRouter Constant: router Describe the ISwapRouter constant and its significance. Highlight the contract address associated with Uniswap's router. Swap Functions: swapExactInputSingleHop and swapExactInputMultiHop Explain the two main swap functions in the contract. Discuss their purposes and differences. Provide an overview of how they enable token swaps on Uniswap V3. Interfaces (ISwapRouter, IERC20, IWETH) Introduce the concept of interfaces in Ethereum. Explain the role of interfaces in interacting with other contracts. Highlight the specific interfaces used in this contract (ISwapRouter, IERC20, IWETH). Assignment: Unit test

Step 3: Swap Functions swapExactInputSingleHop Detailed explanation of the swapExactInputSingleHop function. Walkthrough of how to swap a single token directly using this function. Discuss the parameters required for successful token swaps. swapExactInputMultiHop Comprehensive explanation of the swapExactInputMultiHop function. Describe the process of multi-hop token swaps with a custom path. Highlight scenarios where multi-hop swaps are beneficial. How to Execute Swap Functions Step-by-step guide on how to execute swap functions in practice. Discuss the essential steps, including transferring and approving tokens. Assignment: Unit test

Step 4: Uniswap Router Interface Understanding the ISwapRouter Interface Dive deeper into the ISwapRouter interface. Explain its critical role in the UniswapV3SwapExamples contract. Describe the parameters used in the swap functions. Assignment: Unit test

Step 5: Deployment and contact interaction Deploying the UniswapV3SwapExamples Contract Explain the process of deploying the UniswapV3SwapExamples contract on the Ethereum blockchain. Discuss the requirements for deployment, including gas fees and account access. Interacting with the Contract Provide instructions on how to interact with the deployed contract. Explain how users can call the various functions within the contract for token swaps. Emphasize the importance of interacting with the contract through a web3 provider or Ethereum wallet. Gas Costs and Transaction Confirmation Discuss the gas costs associated with executing functions on the contract. Explain the confirmation process for Ethereum transactions and how users can track the status of their transactions. Assignment: Unit test

Step 6: Conclusion Conclusion of Uniswap contract.