dachad / tcpgoon

tcpgoon, maximum TCP connections tester
MIT License
193 stars 21 forks source link

Add tcpgoon version #43

Closed chadell closed 6 years ago

chadell commented 6 years ago

The result is something like this:

docker run test-tcpgoon www.google.com 80 -c 5 -y
Running tcpgoon version 0.20171209132543
Total: 5, Dialing: 0, Established: 0, Closed: 0, Error: 0, NotInitiated: 5
Total: 5, Dialing: 0, Established: 5, Closed: 0, Error: 0, NotInitiated: 0
--- www.google.com:80 tcp test statistics ---
Total: 5, Dialing: 0, Established: 5, Closed: 0, Error: 0, NotInitiated: 0
Response time stats for 5 established connections min/avg/max/dev = 110.828ms/140.981ms/161.722ms/16.836ms

If you like this approach I will update the Readme

dcaba commented 6 years ago

we should also tag the docker image accordingly, right?

chadell commented 6 years ago

@dcaba regarding docker image tag, we are already doing it in https://github.com/dachad/tcpgoon/blob/master/_script/deploy#L27, isn't it?

chadell commented 6 years ago

@dcaba check if you like using "commands", I have gone for "version" and "run", we could add other ones if needed

% ./tcpgoon --help
tcpgoon tests concurrent connections towards a server listening on a TCP port

  tcpgoon [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  run         Run tcpgoon test
  version     Show tcpgoon version

  -h, --help   help for tcpgoon

Use "tcpgoon [command] --help" for more information about a command.

%./tcpgoon run
  tcpgoon run [flags] <host> <port>

  -y, --assume-yes         Force execution without asking for confirmation
  -c, --connections int    Number of connections you want to open (default 100)
  -d, --debug              Print debugging information to the standard error
  -t, --dial-timeout int   Connection dialing timeout, in ms (default 5000)
  -h, --help               help for run
  -i, --interval int       Interval, in seconds, between stats updates (default 1)
  -s, --sleep int          Time you want to sleep between connections, in ms (default 10)
dcaba commented 6 years ago

Commands look good! But the docker image id... its using the abbreviated git commit form, as I'm suggestion to do also with the binary/compilation. In addition, maybe we should not pick the commit id again from git, but pass this as a parameter from the build to the deploy (to enforce and guarantee they do have the same value)

dcaba commented 6 years ago

it works executing a local deploy:

+ go build -o out/tcpgoon -ldflags '-X '\''main.buildstamp=2018-01-15_09:09:45PM'\'' -X '\''main.githash=47630ee'\'' -extldflags '\''-static'\''' -a -installsuffix nocgo -tags netgo
+ docker_build dachad/tcpgoon
+ tag=dachad/tcpgoon
+ execgroup=docker
+ sg docker 'docker build -t dachad/tcpgoon .'
Sending build context to Docker daemon  10.1 MB
Step 1/5 : FROM scratch
Step 2/5 : MAINTAINER devops-training-bcn@googlegroups.com
 ---> Running in 2879c13b9d29
INFO[0011] Layer sha256:5f70bf18a086007016e948b04aed3b82103a36bea41755b6cddfaf10ace3c6ef cleaned up 
 ---> 88b72ba93ffb
Removing intermediate container 2879c13b9d29
Step 3/5 : COPY out/tcpgoon /
 ---> a31e100f9c7e
Removing intermediate container 675c41a7bc75
Step 4/5 : ENTRYPOINT /tcpgoon
 ---> Running in ec3cabc80886
INFO[0013] Layer sha256:40cd43b2ce5ade695b22a0688b966c3b92fbe8d1aada0ec77f287d8da309349b cleaned up 
 ---> 915226431db1
Removing intermediate container ec3cabc80886
Step 5/5 : CMD --help
 ---> Running in ea34dc036140
INFO[0014] Layer sha256:40cd43b2ce5ade695b22a0688b966c3b92fbe8d1aada0ec77f287d8da309349b cleaned up 
 ---> 314a82606e96
Removing intermediate container ea34dc036140
Successfully built 314a82606e96
+ ./_script/deploy dachad/tcpgoon 47630ee
INFO: Valid docker credentials file found. We will try to use it
The push refers to a repository [docker.io/dachad/tcpgoon]
26d63c95eab2: Pushed 
47630ee: digest: sha256:f27aa40bef51e2c98d99f213954bfbebbf2695e4d940f988d770d771c67830a8 size: 528
The push refers to a repository [docker.io/dachad/tcpgoon]
26d63c95eab2: Layer already exists 
47630ee: digest: sha256:f27aa40bef51e2c98d99f213954bfbebbf2695e4d940f988d770d771c67830a8 size: 528
26d63c95eab2: Layer already exists 
latest: digest: sha256:f27aa40bef51e2c98d99f213954bfbebbf2695e4d940f988d770d771c67830a8 size: 528
caba@caba-ThinkPad-T450s ~/goWork/src/github.com/dachad/tcpgoon
caba@caba-ThinkPad-T450s ~/goWork/src/github.com/dachad/tcpgoon
 % ./out/tcpgoon version
Git Commit Hash: 47630ee
UTC Build Time: 2018-01-15_09:09:45PM
caba@caba-ThinkPad-T450s ~/goWork/src/github.com/dachad/tcpgoon
 % docker pull dachad/tcpgoon:latest           
latest: Pulling from dachad/tcpgoon
0eb6b3702415: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:f27aa40bef51e2c98d99f213954bfbebbf2695e4d940f988d770d771c67830a8
Status: Downloaded newer image for dachad/tcpgoon:latest
caba@caba-ThinkPad-T450s ~/goWork/src/github.com/dachad/tcpgoon
 % docker run -ti dachad/tcpgoon:latest version
Git Commit Hash: 47630ee
UTC Build Time: 2018-01-15_09:09:45PM


dcaba commented 6 years ago

dockerhub readme updated