dacort / ideas

Damon's Ideas
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Docker / DevBox as a Service #40

Open dacort opened 2 years ago

dacort commented 2 years ago

I often would benefit from having a remote Docker host with faster network and CPU access. Alternatively, for a more complete environment, it would sometimes be nice to be able to SSH in to a full dev box or use it as a remote VS Code environment. Unfortunately, doing so requires running an instance somewhere 24/7.

It would be nice to have a serverless Docker/DevBox that can spin up and down on demand and maintain state between sessions.

I've done something similar before with terraform and cdk, but they don't scale to zero.

dacort commented 2 years ago



Resources from that thread:

dacort commented 2 years ago



dacort commented 2 years ago

Got the DNS -> EC2 start working with a simple Lambda. It's sometimes slow, though (e.g. 1 minute) which is unfortunate. Even when the instance is hibernated.

dacort commented 1 year ago


dacort commented 1 year ago

I proactively don't use remote environments because access is so annoying. Wonder how fast Firecracker can resume. Could use Tailscale as a backend so we don't have to expose services.

dacort commented 1 year ago

Lots of info in this thread: https://twitter.com/gergelyorosz/status/1667448993176059905?s=46&t=IaQyr-qpD36V7gcfQZwzxA

Also: https://codesandbox.io/blog/how-we-clone-a-running-vm-in-2-seconds

dacort commented 1 year ago

More news: https://twitter.com/Pragmatic_Eng/status/1673726552364777476 and some examples (https://render.com, https://superdev.cloud, or https://vercel.com)


Would be cool if this also had functionality similar to direnv where you could just cd into a directory and magically be teleported to a magical mystery dev box. 😜

He says as he sits waiting for go test to blow out his cpus and fan.