Closed alexbourne closed 10 years ago
For example :"localhost", "test") { sh => sh.execute("ls") sh.execute("uname") import sh._ cd("/tmp") println(pwd) }
Have a look to test("helper methods") in
Excellent. I had tried an example like this. The only problem I have now is that I wanted to use the put(...) method from SSH i.e. I need to write some text to a file at the remote location which will be a dir I create in my persistent shell. Any suggestions?!
SSH.shellAndFtp(sshopts) { (sh, ftp) => sh.execute("ls") sh.execute("uname") ftp.get("/proc/stat") ftp.get("/proc/vmstat") }
ftp.put is also available.
A comment in ShellOperations for the cd() method says that to be useful "this requires a persistent shell". I noticed this whilst trying to use it. I was trying to do a cd() then a put() but when the put is executed you are back in the root dir again, not the one cd() moved to...
So exactly how do you create a persistent shell using this library??? I've had a look around the code without success so far...
Please share the secret!!!