Open Mcrich23 opened 2 years ago
Hey my cards are sticking to the left for some reason. How can I fix this?
(Looking at the Restaurant Stuff, ignore the media references)
struct RestCardView: View { let restaurants: Restaurants @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme var body: some View { GeometryReader { geo in let card = ( VStack { if #available(iOS 15, *) { AsyncImage(url: restaurants.imageUrl) { image in imag ![Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 13 - 2022-03-09 at 11 48 24]( e .resizable() .frame(idealWidth: geo.size.width, idealHeight: geo.size.height)//, maxHeight: 10) .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) } placeholder: { Image(systemName: "photo") .res ![Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 13 - 2022-03-09 at 11 48 24]( izable() // .frame(height: geo.size.width) .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .imageScale(.large) .foregroundColor(.gray) } .ignoresSafeArea() // switch image { // case .empty: // Image(named: "No Image") // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // case .success(let image): // image // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // case .failure: // Image(named: "No Image") // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // @unknown default: // // Since the AsyncImagePhase enum isn't frozen, // // we need to add this currently unused fallback // // to handle any new cases that might be added // // in the future: // Image(named: "No Image") // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // } // } }else { URLImage(restaurants.imageUrl) { image in image .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(idealHeight: geo.size.width)//, maxHeight: 50) .clipped() } } HStack{ Text( if restaurants.price != "Unknown" { Text(restaurants.price) } } .padding(.bottom) if restaurants.category != [] { Text("\(restaurants.category.joined(separator: ", "))") .padding(.horizontal) } // if !restaurants.isClosed { // Text("Open") // .foregroundColor( // }else { // Text("Closed") // .foregroundColor( // } Button(action: { print("opening site pressed") if let url = URL(string: restaurants.url) { } }) { HStack { RestaurantReviews(reviews: restaurants.rating, forgroundColor: .yelpDefault, yelpIconSelectedSize: .large) Text("\(restaurants.reviewCount)") .foregroundColor(.primary) .padding(.trailing) Text("More Info") Image("yelp logo") .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(maxWidth: 30) } } .padding(.horizontal) Button(action: { print("opening location pressed") Utilities.encodeForGoogleMaps(url: { loc in print("loc = \(loc)") if let url = URL(string: "\(loc)") { } } }, label: { Text(restaurants.location) }) .padding(.bottom) }) if colorScheme == .dark { card // .opacity(0.2) .background(Color(red: 0.15, green: 0.15, blue: 0.15)) .cornerRadius(12) .shadow(radius: 4) }else {//if colorScheme == .light { card .background(Color.white) .cornerRadius(12) .shadow(radius: 4) } } } } struct MediaCardView: View { let media: Media @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme var body: some View { GeometryReader { geo in let card = ( VStack { if #available(iOS 15, *) { AsyncImage(url: media.imageUrl) { image in image .resizable() .frame(idealWidth: geo.size.width, idealHeight: geo.size.height)//, maxHeight: 10) .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) } placeholder: { Image(systemName: "photo") .resizable() // .frame(height: geo.size.width) .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .imageScale(.large) .foregroundColor(.gray) } .ignoresSafeArea() // switch image { // case .empty: // Image(named: "No Image") // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // case .success(let image): // image // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // case .failure: // Image(named: "No Image") // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // @unknown default: // // Since the AsyncImagePhase enum isn't frozen, // // we need to add this currently unused fallback // // to handle any new cases that might be added // // in the future: // Image(named: "No Image") // .resizable() // .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) // .frame(height: geo.size.width) // .clipped() // } // } }else { URLImage(media.imageUrl) { image in image .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(idealHeight: geo.size.width)//, maxHeight: 50) .clipped() } } HStack{ Text( } // .padding(.bottom) let rating = "Avg. Rating: \(media.rating.rounded())/10 from \(media.ratingCount) reviews" Text(rating) .padding(.bottom) Text(media.description) .padding(.horizontal) } .padding(.bottom)) .onAppear { print("Avg. Rating: \(media.rating)/10 from \(media.ratingCount) reviews") } if colorScheme == .dark { card // .opacity(0.2) .background(Color(red: 0.15, green: 0.15, blue: 0.15)) .cornerRadius(12) .shadow(radius: 4) }else {//if colorScheme == .light { card .background(Color.white) .cornerRadius(12) .shadow(radius: 4) } } } } struct CardViewWithThumbs: View { let restaurants: Restaurants let media: Media let direction: LeftRight? static var yes = Array<Any>() var body: some View { ZStack(alignment: .topTrailing) { ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) { if Utilities.picktType == .media { MediaCardView(media: media) .accessibilityIdentifier("Card") }else { RestCardView(restaurants: restaurants) .accessibilityIdentifier("Card") } Image(systemName: "hand.thumbsup.fill") .resizable() .foregroundColor( .opacity(direction == .right ? 1 : 0) .frame(width: 100, height: 100) .padding() } Image(systemName: "hand.thumbsdown.fill") .resizable() .foregroundColor( .opacity(direction == .left ? 1 : 0) .frame(width: 100, height: 100) .padding() } .animation(.default) } } struct Thumbs: View { ... func showFinalRestView() { db.collection("parties").document(Utilities.code).addSnapshotListener { doc, error in print("Start data fetch...") if error == nil { print("error = nil") if doc != nil && doc!.exists { print("Doc Exists") if let num = doc!.get("devicesNum") as? Int { devicesNum = num if let dev = doc!.get("devices") as? Array<String> { devices = dev print("devices = \(dev)") for name in dev { print("DeviceList = \(Devices.list)") if !Devices.list.contains(Devices(id: name, name: name)) { print("DeviceList Contains = \(name)") Devices.list.append(Devices(id: name, name: name)) } } if let done = doc!.get("devicesDone") as? Array<String> { print("devicesDone = \(done), devices = \(devices)") devicesDone = done if done.sorted() == dev.sorted() && done.count == num { if var topController =!.rootViewController { while let presentedViewController = topController.presentedViewController { topController = presentedViewController } self.fullScreenAd.showAd(root: topController, then: { // print("fetch data") // viewModels.fetchData { // viewModels.fetchData { //yesRestaurant, AllRestaurants, yesMedia, allMedia, devices, devicesDone in // vmRestAll = AllRestaurants // vmRestYes = yesRestaurant // vmDevices = devices // vmMediaAll = allMedia // vmMediaYes = yesMedia print("show final view") // fullScreenAd.showAd { Utilities.showFinal = true DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(1)) { self.presentation.wrappedValue.dismiss() results = false topPick = false } print("yesRestaurants from restPicker = \(viewModels.yesRestaurants), allRestaurants = \(viewModels.allRestaurants)") print("done from completion handler") // } // } }) } } }else { print("error: \(error)") } }else { print("error: \(error)") } }else { print("error: \(error)") } } } } } func showfinalview() { print("show final view, yes.restlist = \(yes.restList), yes.medialist = \(yes.mediaList)") results = true topPick = true } func addRestData(card: Restaurants, direction: LeftRight) { if NetworkMonitor.shared.isConnected { if direction == .right { itemCount += 1 print("Code = \(Utilities.code)") print("Name = \(") yes.restList.append(Restaurants(name:, imageUrl: card.imageUrl, id:, rating: card.rating, url: card.url, location: card.location, category: card.category, tag: [], isClosed: card.isClosed, price: card.price, reviewCount: card.reviewCount)) print("yes, list = \(yes.restList)") }else { print("no") itemNo += 1 no.restList.append(Restaurants(name:, imageUrl: card.imageUrl, id:, rating: card.rating, url: card.url, location: card.location, category: card.category, tag: [], isClosed: card.isClosed, price: card.price, reviewCount: card.reviewCount)) } if == restData.last?.name { showfinalview() // showFinal = true } }else { disabledAlert = true } } ... var body: some View { GeometryReader { geo in // NavigationView { VStack(alignment: .center) { Text(" ") .padding(.bottom) HStack { Text("Party Code: \(Utilities.code)") .padding(.trailing) if Utilities.joinDisabled == false { Button(action: { copy = true switch Utilities.shareMode { case .sheet: // shareSheet.toggle() Utilities.presentShareSheet(activityItems: ["pickt://join/\(Utilities.code)"]) // let activityVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: ["pickt://join/\(Utilities.code)"], applicationActivities: nil) //, animated: true, completion: nil) case .clipboard: let pasteboard = UIPasteboard.general pasteboard.string = "pickt://join/\(Utilities.code)" } DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) { copy = false } }, label: { if !copy { Group { switch Utilities.shareMode { case .sheet: Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up") case .clipboard: Image(systemName: "doc.on.clipboard") } } }else { Image(systemName: "checkmark") } }) .foregroundColor(.primary) .frame(width: 35, height: 35) .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) .stroke(Color.primary, lineWidth: 1) ) } } .padding(.top) // Button("Stop Searching") { // if yes.list.count > 0 { // showfinalview() // } // } if restData == [] && Utilities.picktType == .restaurants { Text("No Results Found For Query Terms:\n\nLocation: \(Utilities.location),\nRestaurant Filter: \(Utilities.restFilter),\nCuisine: \(Utilities.cuisine)") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .padding(.top) }else { Group { if Utilities.picktType == .media { if Utilities.mediaType == .TVShows { Text("Searching for TV Shows") // Text("Everyone is seeing the same tv cards, please swipe right for yes and left for no.") }else if Utilities.mediaType == .Movies { Text("Searching for Movies") // Text("Everyone is seeing the same movie cards, please swipe right for yes and left for no.") } }else { Text("Searching \(Utilities.location) with \(Utilities.restFilter), \(Utilities.cuisine)") // .padding(.horizontal) // Text("Everyone is seeing the same restaurant cards, please swipe right for yes and left for no.") } } .padding() .accessibility(identifier: "Searching") .onTapGesture { if UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "FASTLANE_SNAPSHOT") { for item in Restaurants.viewModels { yes.restList.append(item) } self.showfinalview() } } HStack { Button(action: { var mediaList = Array<Media>() var restList = Array<Restaurants>() for item in no.mediaList { if !mediaList.contains(item) { mediaList.append(item) } } for item in no.restList { if !restList.contains(item) { restList.append(item) } } no.mediaList = mediaList no.restList = restList noList = true }, label: { Image(systemName: "hand.thumbsdown") Text("\(itemNo)") }) .accessibility(identifier: "No List") .foregroundColor(.red) Spacer() .frame(width: 40) Button(action: { var mediaList = Array<Media>() var restList = Array<Restaurants>() for item in yes.mediaList { if !mediaList.contains(item) { mediaList.append(item) } } for item in yes.restList { if !restList.contains(item) { restList.append(item) } } yes.mediaList = mediaList yes.restList = restList yesList = true }, label: { Image(systemName: "hand.thumbsup") Text("\(itemCount)") }) .accessibility(identifier: "Yes List") .foregroundColor(.green) } .padding() } if results { Group { Text("\(waitingPhrases.randomElement()!)") // VStack { // Text("People Who Have Finished:\n") // ForEach(devicesDone.indices) { // Text(self.devicesDone[$0]) // } // } // .padding() Button("Override, Show Results") { overrideResults = true } Button { topPick = true } label: { HStack { Image(systemName: "filemenu.and.selection") if pick != "None" { Text("Change your top pick") }else { Text("Choose your top pick") } } } } .padding() } if !results && restData != [] && restData != [Restaurants(name: "nil", imageUrl: URL(string: Utilities.noImage)!, id: "abcdef", rating: 0, url: "", location: "nil", category: ["nil"], tag: [], isClosed: false, price: "Unknown", reviewCount: 0)] && Utilities.picktType == .restaurants { ZStack(alignment: Alignment(horizontal: .center, vertical: .center), content: { CardStack( direction: LeftRight.direction, data: restData, onSwipe: { card, direction in print("Swiped \( to \(direction)") addRestData(card: card, direction: direction) }, content: { restaurants, direction, _ in CardViewWithThumbs(restaurants: restaurants, media: Media(name: "nil", imageUrl: URL(string: Utilities.noImage)!, id: "abcde", description: "abcde", ratingCount: 1, rating: 8, tag: []), direction: direction) } ) .padding() .scaledToFit() .frame(alignment: .center) // .frame(maxWidth: screen.width) .environment(\.cardStackConfiguration, CardStackConfiguration( maxVisibleCards: 3 // swipeThreshold: 0.1, // cardOffset: 10, // cardScale: 0.2, // animation: .linear )) }) }else if Utilities.picktType == .media && mediaData != [] { ZStack(alignment: Alignment(horizontal: .center, vertical: .center), content: { CardStack( direction: LeftRight.direction, data: mediaData, onSwipe: { card, direction in print("Swiped \( to \(direction)") addMediaData(card: card, direction: direction) if == mediaData.last?.name { showfinalview() // showFinal = true } }, content: { media, direction, _ in CardViewWithThumbs(restaurants: Restaurants(name: "nil", imageUrl: URL(string: Utilities.noImage)!, id: "abcdef", rating: 0, url: "", location: "nil", category: ["nil"], tag: [], isClosed: false, price: "Unknown", reviewCount: 0), media: media, direction: direction) } ) .padding(.all) // .frame(height: screen.height) // .frame(minHeight: 0, idealHeight: screen.height, maxHeight: 450, alignment: .center) .scaledToFit() .frame(maxWidth: 700, maxHeight: 800) // .frame(maxWidth: screen.width) .environment(\.cardStackConfiguration, CardStackConfiguration( maxVisibleCards: 3 // swipeThreshold: 0.1, // cardOffset: 10, // cardScale: 0.2, // animation: .linear )) }) } } ... .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) } } }
Thanks in advanced!!!
Hey my cards are sticking to the left for some reason. How can I fix this?
(Looking at the Restaurant Stuff, ignore the media references)
Thanks in advanced!!!