dadamachines / doppler

Arduino compatible – Cortex M4F & FPGA Development Board
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Froze during program upload and now the board is dead #5

Closed mcclure closed 4 years ago

mcclure commented 4 years ago

Yesterday I took my Doppler out of the package, I wrote a very small program and uploaded it to the Doppler several times. It worked fine.

Today I added ICEClass.h and ice40.upload to the program to control the LEDs. Including ICEClass.h made the program much larger. It went from "5% used" to "20% used" or so. After adding ICEClass.h, uploads took much longer, and about half the uploads would halt partway through with an error message. I tried to upload, got an error, uploaded again, succeeded and the LEDs changed as desired. After making a change I made a third attempt to upload. This time the upload halted partway through with an error. The Doppler never came back up again. I have tried unplugging and replugging it from the mac and rebooting the mac. Its current behavior is:

What do I do?

I was using Arduino 1.8.5 when I started but upgraded to Arduino 1.8.10 while trying to debug. I am on OS X 10.13.6.

nevvkid commented 4 years ago

Hi, @mcclure , did you try getting into the bootloader with double-pressing the reset? All SAMD51 boards still have problems with the upload on OSX Version of the Arduino IDE. I recently moved away from the IDE and use arduino-cli on the command line. Which doesn't have issues with upload.

mcclure commented 4 years ago

@nevvkid , thank you! double-pressing the reset fixed it.

I did not find a document explaining double-pressing the reset. Which document explains this? So I can consult it in future.

Also FYI : I tried "tools->burn bootloader" in Arduino to see what would happen and I got this error

Arduino: 1.8.10 (Mac OS X), Board: "dadamachines doppler, Enabled"

    at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SerialUploader.burnBootloader(
Error while burning bootloader.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
nevvkid commented 4 years ago

@mcclure Glad this worked. I was sure we wrote about the double-pressing the reset somewhere on the quickstart guide. But maybe it's missing. :( I gave some doppler boards to people who wanted to do more documentation and tutorials but sadly no results. Keep posting here or on the forum if you run into problems.
Burning the bootloader requires a programming adapter. Like the Atmel ICE SAM.

mcclure commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I have some further questions (including one mysterious compile error on something that should work). I posted here: