daddyz / phonelib

Ruby gem for phone validation and formatting using google libphonenumber library data
MIT License
1.04k stars 130 forks source link

Number in country code `CI` became invalid as of `0.6.51` #230

Open theblang opened 3 years ago

theblang commented 3 years ago

I created a sample number based off the number of one of our users. Running Phonelib.valid?('+22501234567') returns true in 0.6.50, but false in 0.6.51. I glanced at the libphonenumber changelog, perhaps 8.12.23 or 8.12.22 is to blame?

daddyz commented 2 years ago

@theblang Yes, I always advice to check here. Check add_additional_regex documentation, it may help solving the issue. Or you can open an issue for libphonenumber here

theblang commented 2 years ago

Oh funny, looks like phone numbers were restructured there to have an additional "two digit provider code". But it seems like all of our 225 Ivory Coast users still have a number in the old system. Doesn't it seem like libphonenumber would continue to support the old system for a time?