daddyz / phonelib

Ruby gem for phone validation and formatting using google libphonenumber library data
MIT License
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country_specifier: doesn't work - Validates every country #298

Closed geniusClint closed 6 months ago

geniusClint commented 7 months ago

Rails 7.1.2 Ruby 3.2.0

My Phone Model has a country_code that is the 2 digit country code from gem country_code_select. I have a dropdown (select) box for the user to specify the country the phone belongs to. The select is populated on the form as :country_code

I tried every combination of:

validates :number, phone: {country_specifier: :country_code}

and also

validates :number, phone: {country_specifier: -> phone { country_code} }

I could send a valid MX phone number and it validates it as US or Canada or any other country, as well as MX. I could send a valid US phone number and specify it as MX and it would validate.

I ended up creating a custom validator in my model:

class Phone < ApplicationRecord validate :should_be_valid_for_country

private def should_be_valid_for_country valid = Phonelib.valid_for_country? number, country_code errors.add(:number, "is not valid for country selected") unless valid end

This solved my problem, but I am pretty sure I followed the directions for the build in country validator and it didn't work...

nflorentin commented 6 months ago

Did you try this ? It is working for me (same version of Rails).

validates :number, phone: {country_specifier: -> your_model { your_model.country_code} }
geniusClint commented 6 months ago

I just tried with: validates :number, phone: { country_specifier: -> phone { phone.country_code } }

Trying to save the number +12105352100 as: USA is valid (as expected) Canada is INVALID (as expected) Mexico is VALID (Not expected) Albania is VALID (Not expected) ...

nflorentin commented 6 months ago
Phonelib.parse('+12105352100', 'MX').national
=> "(210) 535-2100"

So I think that Phonelib is somehow ignoring the +1 validating your phone number.

The syntax is now correct, because in a ruby console Phonelib.parse('+12105352100', 'MX').valid? returns true.

The validator seems permissive....

I never used phonelib until today so I'm total newbie with it but I was testing validations too so I found your issue.

nflorentin commented 6 months ago

Just tested your number on libphonenumber demo and it seems that your result is expected, look

Result from isPossibleNumber() true
Result from isValidNumber() true
Result from isValidNumberForRegion() false

So it is the expected behaviour, your US number is a valid number if you make your call from Mexico.

nflorentin commented 6 months ago

Ok I just understood.

Phonelib.parse('+12105352100', 'MX').valid?
=> true
Phonelib.valid_for_country? '+12105352100', 'MX'
=> false

The validator is equivalent to the first line, not the second one,

So you should use valid_for_country? for your use case.

geniusClint commented 6 months ago

Which makes sense as to why my custom validator works as expected.

validate :should_be_valid_for_country

private def should_be_valid_for_country valid = Phonelib.valid_for_country? number, country_code errors.add(:number, "is not valid for country selected") unless valid end

daddyz commented 6 months ago

@geniusClint when phone number starts with "+" phonelib switches country, there is configuration parameter that allows to disable this behaviour:

Phonelib.ignore_plus = true