dadhi / DryIoc

DryIoc is fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET
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Resolving func-wrapper when having circular-dependency throws RecursiveDependencyDetected #651

Closed BinaryCraX closed 2 days ago

BinaryCraX commented 5 months ago

Resolving a service with a circular dependency from the container crashes with ContainerException (Error.RecursiveDependencyDetected) even though a func-wrapper is used. However the same code works when using a lazy-wrapper.

The documentation states that both should work (even though there is no explicit example for the func-wrapper).

Following code crashes:

using DryIoc;

namespace DryIocCircularDep
    public class Child
        public Child(Parent parent)
            Parent = parent;

        public Parent Parent { get; }

    public class Parent
        public Parent(Func<Child> child)
            Child = child;

        public Func<Child> Child { get; }

    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var container = new Container();

            var parent = container.Resolve<Parent>(); // <-- crashes

            Console.WriteLine(parent.Child().Parent == parent);

As a reference, working code using lazy-wrapper:

using DryIoc;

namespace DryIocCircularDep
    public class Child
        public Child(Parent parent)
            Parent = parent;

        public Parent Parent { get; }

    public class Parent
        public Parent(Lazy<Child> child)
            Child = child;

        public Lazy<Child> Child { get; }

    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var container = new Container();

            var parent = container.Resolve<Parent>(); // <-- OK

            Console.WriteLine(parent.Child.Value.Parent == parent);

DryIoc-Version: 5.4.3

dadhi commented 5 months ago

@BinaryCraX Hi, I am afraid that there is an error in this part of the documentation. Here is the correct one You may submit a PR or I will fix it myself.