dadler / thumbnail-zoom

Thumbnail Zoom Plus is a Firefox plug-in which shows a full-size image pop-up when you hover over a thumbnail or image link. When you hover your mouse over a thumbnail or an image or video link, the add-on displays the full-size image or video still-frame in a floating window. Supported sites include Amazon, Bing, Facebook, Flickr, Google, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter,, YouTube, Wikipedia, WordPress, Yahoo Images, and many more.
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Mousing over webm while Flashblock is enabled breaks plugin #162

Closed Hakkin closed 9 years ago

Hakkin commented 10 years ago

If you mouse over a webm link with Flashblock enabled and "Block HTML5 video" enabled in the settings, the overlay will pop up with a white box with the flashblock logo inside it. Once you move your mouse away from the link and try to open any other image while in the same window, it will just show the thumbnail-zoom cursor icon, but no overlay will display.

The errors in the debug log are: E XPConnect_JavaScript: [JavaScript Error: "NotFoundError: Node was not found" {file: "chrome://thumbnailzoomplus/content/overlay.js" line: 2137}] and when focused on the page where the overlay tries to show (I think that's what causes it at least), "_closePanel 2: * EXCEPTION *: NotFoundError: Node was not found at :2137" is spammed in the debug log.

dadler commented 9 years ago

Flashblock actually modifies Thumbnail Zoom Plus' internal data, which is breaking it! There are a couple workarounds until I release a fix. In Flashblock Options, either:

  1. Turn off "Block HTML5 video as well"; or
  2. Add a Whitelist entry in Flashblock as "chrome" (without the quotes).
dadler commented 9 years ago

Fix released in 3.1beta1.