dadler / thumbnail-zoom

Thumbnail Zoom Plus is a Firefox plug-in which shows a full-size image pop-up when you hover over a thumbnail or image link. When you hover your mouse over a thumbnail or an image or video link, the add-on displays the full-size image or video still-frame in a floating window. Supported sites include Amazon, Bing, Facebook, Flickr, Google, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter,, YouTube, Wikipedia, WordPress, Yahoo Images, and many more.
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"Thumbnail Zoom Plus cannot be installed because Firefox cannot modify the needed file." #224

Open thewizardoz opened 8 years ago

thewizardoz commented 8 years ago

I just reinstalled Firefox 40.0.3 fresh on Windows 8.1 Pro x64 without any addons but when I went to install this addon I got this message:- "Thumbnail Zoom Plus cannot be installed because Firefox cannot modify the needed file." Please let me know why this is happening. Thanks.