dadler / thumbnail-zoom

Thumbnail Zoom Plus is a Firefox plug-in which shows a full-size image pop-up when you hover over a thumbnail or image link. When you hover your mouse over a thumbnail or an image or video link, the add-on displays the full-size image or video still-frame in a floating window. Supported sites include Amazon, Bing, Facebook, Flickr, Google, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter,, YouTube, Wikipedia, WordPress, Yahoo Images, and many more.
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Allow users to define their own site rules #83

Open dadler opened 12 years ago

dadler commented 12 years ago

Allow users to write their own rules to support sites which TZP doesn't otherwise support. Ideally this should be do-able by non-programmers. Rules could be stored in preferences. It'd be useful for users to be able to send their users to the developer to be added in as official rules.

Sites like AutoPager have a web server which allows users to upload, share, and download rules, but that requires additional programming and creating and supporting the web service.

J.G. writes in email:

Maybe a text input form and a guide on how to make your own rules with the help of add-ons like Firebug etc. would be enough. What do you think? Is this possible? Very complicated? Or don't you like the idea? 

HTTPS Finder (can create rules to be included in HTTPS Everywhere (


PopTip (Greasemonkey script. Lets you make your own thumbnail pop-ups rules)
dadler commented 12 years ago

Implementation steps:

dadler commented 12 years ago

See also file src/Similar_Addons.html in the TZP source tree.