daducci / COMMIT

Linear framework to combine tractography and tissue micro-structure estimation with diffusion MRI
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Multithread #138

Open arnaudbore opened 1 week ago

arnaudbore commented 1 week ago

Hello COMMIT Team,

I'm updating scilpy (This PR) and I try to understand how the multithreading works with commit and make sure that when I ask for a specific number of threads it does what it is suppose to do.

I'm testing everything using this quick nextflow pipeline. Here is the command line and script I used test_commit.tar.gz:

nextflow_21.10.6 ~/p/scil/s/noddi_flow/ --input ../i_noddi_flow/ -with-report report.html --nb_threads 8

Then I check the report.html

If you change nb_threads (4 or 8) the report is very confusing. check reports.tar.gz

I tried also to run directly the python script with this command line: tracking.trk dwi.nii.gz bval bvec     results_bzs/ --tol 30 --nbr_dir 500     --nbr_iter 500 --in_peaks peaks.nii.gz --in_tracking_mask brain_mask.nii.gz     --perp_diff 1.19E-3 0.85E-3 0.51E-3 0.17E-3     --iso_diff 1.7E-3 3.0E-3     --processes 8 --keep_whole_tractogram

Still quite understand why It does not use all the processes I allow him to use.

Thank you in advance for your help Arnaud

arnaudbore commented 2 days ago

@fullbat @daducci Any ideas ?

daducci commented 1 day ago

Hi Arnaud,

We are trying to understand the issue. I have some questions for you.