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CanExtractMateria bugged / maybe i'm just bad at lua idk #105

Open PotatoSol opened 1 year ago

PotatoSol commented 1 year ago

Having difficulty with CanExtractMateria()

if (CanExtractMateria(100)) then yield('/send KEY_1') yield('/send NEXT') yield('/send NUMPAD0') yield('/send KEY_1') end

When set to 100, it attempts to extract Materia no matter what, even though none of my equipment has spiritbond at 100%. When set to 0, it does not attempt it. After playing around, I noticed that at values >= 80, it will attempt to extract (aka returning TRUE) and at <80, it will not (aka returning FALSE). Notably, my highest spiritbond is at 79%. Maybe a mixed < and > in the code?

PascalTemel commented 1 year ago

I'm using it without any parameter (only if CanExtractMateria() then) and it works fine in my macros

PotatoSol commented 1 year ago

hm doesn't seem to work for me, still returns true

Hezkezl commented 1 year ago

Try removing the parenthesis around the CanExtractMateria part?

if CanExtractMateria() then yield('/send NUMPAD0') end

This works for me. Doesn't trigger if none of my gear is 100% spiritbonded.