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/recipe will crash when recipe already opened #107

Open WilliamW1979 opened 1 year ago

WilliamW1979 commented 1 year ago

Sometimes closing the recipe at the end of a looping macro won't close the recipe window. I use /send n alot to do this but sometimes even with a /wait before it, it skips it. So when this happens, the macro will try to open the recipe at the beginning of the macro when it is already open which crashes the game.

It only crashes when the /recipe is being used for the same recipe that is already open. Other recipes can be use when it is open without crashing.

So 2 things that could fix this. Detecting that the recipe is already opened to stop the macro or having a command that could force the recipe window to be closed (even if it is build into /recipe or /closerecipe that we can put prior to it.

Either way, somehow the /recipe crashes the game when it tries to access the recipe that is currently open.

/recipe honey (when honey recipe currently selected)