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Question about the <echo> parameter #112

Closed ladyredxiv closed 1 year ago

ladyredxiv commented 1 year ago

So, I'm using a do while loop for my LUA script, and I was wondering if there's a way to invoke the echo parameter akin to a print? For example, I would like to echo craftAmount after this:

craftAmount = craftAmount + 1

That way I can tell how far along things are. Any insight would be much appreciated!

Edit: Not currently using the ticker with my loop anymore, but the question remains <3

daemitus commented 1 year ago

The basic lua idea would be similar to this, using the .. operator for string concatenation. print("abc" .. "def") -- Would print "abcdef".

So you could yield a yield("/echo Amount is " .. $craftAmount)

or something similar to that.