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eBPF-based Linux high-performance transparent proxy solution.
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fix: Opt out TCP sockmap bypass by default #518

Closed jschwinger233 closed 1 month ago

jschwinger233 commented 1 month ago

Once the kernel issue1 is fixed and backported to TLS, I'll open another pull request as a follow-up to automatically enable this option if kernel has the patches.


A kernel issue (confirmed by community) breaks TCP clients (e.g. glider) who use splice syscall when enabling bpf sockmap redirect. This PR opts out that performance optimization until kernel bug is fixed.


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sumire88 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for raising this. Is there any correlation between #505 and this PR?

jschwinger233 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for raising this. Is there any correlation between #505 and this PR?

Most likely not. This feature only affects local TCP, shouldn't have something to do with WAN UDP.