daeuniverse / dae

eBPF-based Linux high-performance transparent proxy solution.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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feat: Add support for hysteria2 dialer and protocol #533

Closed mnixry closed 1 week ago

mnixry commented 2 weeks ago


ref: https://github.com/daeuniverse/outbound/pull/9

This PR is currently a draft and needs user feedback to move forward. Users interested in testing this feature are encouraged to use the GitHub Action build.


Full Changelogs

Issue Reference

Closes #48 Closes #450

Test Result

This feature should be tested by end user.

douglarek commented 2 weeks ago

This is a highly anticipated feature support, extremely impressive. It has passed the test on my Linux (kernel 6.9), although there seem to be some warning logs, I'm not sure if it matters: level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: deadline exceeded". However, it doesn't affect the basic proxy experience.

xmapst commented 2 weeks ago

This is a highly anticipated feature support, extremely impressive. It has passed the test on my Linux (kernel 6.9), although there seem to be some warning logs, I'm not sure if it matters: level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: deadline exceeded". However, it doesn't affect the basic proxy experience.

是的 在openwrt上运行也出现这种情况 但不影响正常使用

mnixry commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if it matters: level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: deadline exceeded". However, it doesn't affect the basic proxy experience.

@douglarek @xmapst Thank you for your feedback. I plan to address this issue shortly, likely by Wednesday or Thursday. Should you encounter any additional problems during extended use, please don't hesitate to follow up.

During my personal usage, I've encountered a few issues:

Integral-Tech commented 2 weeks ago

It works on Arch Linux, kernel 6.9.3-arch1-1.

mzz2017 commented 2 weeks ago

@mnixry For the udp over tcp problem, could you please revert my patch on your local and test it again?

douglarek commented 2 weeks ago

This is a highly anticipated feature support, extremely impressive. It has passed the test on my Linux (kernel 6.9), although there seem to be some warning logs, I'm not sure if it matters: level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: deadline exceeded". However, it doesn't affect the basic proxy experience.

The current implementation has too high of a delay. The same server is simultaneously configured with tuic (sb implementation) and hy2 (original version). The udp4(DNS) delay results for dae, the former is between 1~4s, while tuic is around 200ms.

mnixry commented 2 weeks ago

For the udp over tcp problem, could you please revert my patch on your local and test it again?

@mzz2017 Reverting the patch did not resolve the issue for me. Further testing indicates that both the official client and the sing-box implementation exhibit similar problems, suggesting that the issue may not lie with the Hysteria2 dialer.

Here's my benchmarking method:

Since curl does not support directly using a socks5 proxy with the HTTP/3 protocol, I am currently unable to provide examples without using dae. Additionally, testing under various network conditions is also needed.

mzz2017 commented 2 weeks ago

@mnixry You can use curl -x http://YOUR_PROXY or curl -x socks5://YOUR_PROXY to achieve

mnixry commented 2 weeks ago

You can use curl -x http://YOUR_PROXY or curl -x socks5://YOUR_PROXY to achieve

@mzz2017 Sadly, this approach does not work for curl with HTTP/3 protocol.

$ ./curl -L4vx socks5://localhost:2080 --http3-only "https://h3.speed.cloudflare.com/__down?bytes=25000000" > /dev/null
* HTTP/3 is not supported over a SOCKS proxy
* Closing connection
curl: (3) HTTP/3 is not supported over a SOCKS proxy

I am also wondering if there is any networking tools like curl supports h3 over socks5 proxy.

ref: https://github.com/curl/curl/blob/267c3b31e911dc96c2445c0342bab7b827f9c0a8/lib/vquic/vquic.c#L653-L656

mzz2017 commented 2 weeks ago

@mnixry What about sing-box tun inbound with auto-route?

mnixry commented 2 weeks ago

What about sing-box tun inbound with auto-route?

@mzz2017 The TUN mode in Sing-box appears to function well with HTTP/3 connections, progressively increasing speeds up to approximately 1 MB/s. Interestingly, even when using UDP-over-TCP proxy solutions, HTTP/3 downloads perform significantly faster than dae (also about 1 MB/s).

Could you reproduce these results on your end? Since this appears to be unrelated to the current pull request, we should probably open a new issue for tracking purposes.

mnixry commented 2 weeks ago

The current implementation has too high of a delay. The same server is simultaneously configured with tuic (sb implementation) and hy2 (original version). The udp4(DNS) delay results for dae, the former is between 1~4s, while tuic is around 200ms.

@douglarek Apologies for the delayed response. I'm unable to replicate the issue on my side; it might stem from network jitter or a delay due to initial protocol handshaking.

Could you try using tools such as 'dig' from BIND to assess any DNS resolution delays?

mzz2017 commented 2 weeks ago

@mnixry I'll look into it as long as i'm free.

mnixry commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if it matters: level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: deadline exceeded". However, it doesn't affect the basic proxy experience.

是的 在openwrt上运行也出现这种情况 但不影响正常使用

@douglarek @xmapst The issue has been fixed in https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/pull/533/commits/f2d5302b336e2c93c5335c963808196087306f50. Could you check out the latest build and confirm whether the warning still persists?

douglarek commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if it matters: level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: deadline exceeded". However, it doesn't affect the basic proxy experience.

是的 在openwrt上运行也出现这种情况 但不影响正常使用

@douglarek @xmapst The issue has been fixed in f2d5302. Could you check out the latest build and confirm whether the warning still persists?

It's indeed fixed, the warn log has disappeared. This is so awesome.

xmapst commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if it matters: level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: deadline exceeded". However, it doesn't affect the basic proxy experience.

是的 在openwrt上运行也出现这种情况 但不影响正常使用

@douglarek @xmapst The issue has been fixed in f2d5302. Could you check out the latest build and confirm whether the warning still persists?

太棒了 确实修复了

mzz2017 commented 2 weeks ago

The TUN mode in Sing-box appears to function well with HTTP/3 connections, progressively increasing speeds up to approximately 1 MB/s. Interestingly, even when using UDP-over-TCP proxy solutions, HTTP/3 downloads perform significantly faster than dae (also about 1 MB/s).

@mnixry I fixed a possibly related problem that caused download speed zeroing. The problem dies away on my local. Could you please try this PR? https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/pull/539

xmapst commented 1 week ago

进展如何了? 大概什么时候合并?

mnixry commented 1 week ago

进展如何了? 大概什么时候合并?

@xmapst I believe there are two things blocking:

  1. Wait for the merge of #539 to confirm that stateful UDP connections function properly.
  2. Require more user testing. I'd like to wait ~1 week to ensure that this build operates without any additional issues.

However, members of the daeuniverse who determine if this PR will ultimately be merged may hold different opinions.

xmapst commented 1 week ago

进展如何了? 大概什么时候合并?

@xmapst I believe there are two things blocking:

  1. Wait for the merge of fix: incidental packet drop and weird UDP state maintaining #539 to confirm that stateful UDP connections function properly.
  2. Require more user testing. I'd like to wait ~1 week to ensure that this build operates without any additional issues.

However, members of the daeuniverse who determine if this PR will ultimately be merged may hold different opinions.

好的 感谢告知

mzz2017 commented 1 week ago

@mnixry Here is my patch to fix this problem:


Could you please apply it?


From bccc77902eab1a2520485e63ffd9f49e9ba6eaec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mzz2017 <2017@duck.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 17:09:16 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] fix: update submodule outbound to cannot parse encoded auth

 cmd/run.go |  4 ++--
 go.mod     |  5 ++++-
 go.sum     | 14 ++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cmd/run.go b/cmd/run.go
index 633593f..23123c1 100644
--- a/cmd/run.go
+++ b/cmd/run.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
+   "math/rand/v2"
@@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ import (

-   "github.com/daeuniverse/outbound/pkg/fastrand"

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func init() {
    runCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&disableTimestamp, "disable-timestamp", "", false, "Disable timestamp.")
    runCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&disablePidFile, "disable-pidfile", "", false, "Not generate /var/run/dae.pid.")

-   fastrand.Rand().Shuffle(len(CheckNetworkLinks), func(i, j int) {
+   rand.Shuffle(len(CheckNetworkLinks), func(i, j int) {
        CheckNetworkLinks[i], CheckNetworkLinks[j] = CheckNetworkLinks[j], CheckNetworkLinks[i]
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 15975d6..7c25a8e 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ require (
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@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ require (

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