daffadevhosting / simpl-nft-marketplace

NFT marketplace sederhana dangan staking dan reward
Apache License 2.0
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it has only 1 staking contract can you provide all other's contracts #1

Closed souravmaji1 closed 1 year ago

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

it has only 1 staking contract , can you tell me where are the other contracts which i can connect with this marketplace to run into my pc

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

it has only 1 staking contract , can you tell me where are the other contracts which i can connect with this marketplace to run into my pc

You can use thirdweb provider for other contracts and start development quickly, you can look at https://thirdweb.com/dashboard, use testnet first. Don't deploy the staking contract before you deploy the other, you need the other contract address for put in to staking contract.

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

after i added all the addressess in the .env file and tried running the dapp in the localhost it is showing this and not opening in the localhost it is just getting ended


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

after i added all the addressess in the .env file and tried running the dapp in the localhost it is showing this and not opening in the localhost it is just getting ended


Have you checked sample.env with const/contractAddresses.js to see if they are the same? and how about the installation of the json package? are successfull?


use .env.local for developed do not .env

.env just for production..

should look like this...


souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

i did .env for that reason might be the error

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

I have changed to .env.local still not running in the local , basically I have runned npm install for downloading all packages and added all the contract addresses in the .env.local file then typed " npm run dev" all this I have done am i missing something ?

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

cco local

this are my .env.local and const/contract-addrerss file

@souravmaji1 goerli-testnet at chain 56 not at 137 check at const/aLink.ts

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

done that then also same error , do i need to change anything inside the any file ?

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

done that then also same error , do i need to change anything inside the any file ?

@souravmaji1 What OS do you use Windows or Linux?

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

windows try deleting package-lock.json and node_module folder, then try reinstalling all packages withnpm install.

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago


if you may delete your private key atacment above.

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago


if you may delete your private key atacment above.

don't share your private key wallet to public.

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

that is not the correct private key i Have deleted some words from the middle also I am removing the image

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

that is not the correct private key i Have deleted some words from the middle also I am removing the image


souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

same error , again am i missing any steps ?

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

same error , again am i missing any steps ?

I don't know, maybe from the difference in computer OS, because I use Linux OS. if I move coding to Windows OS, there are some things that don't work properly. there always has to be a rearrangement in the package.

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

same error , again am i missing any steps ?

I don't know, maybe from the difference in computer OS, because I use Linux OS. if I move coding to Windows OS, there are some things that don't work properly. there always has to be a rearrangement in the package.

You can try installing the nextJs starter package. and move all required js components and files also package.json in to nextJS new folder. it should be start from zero.

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

@souravmaji1can you give me your email address, i will send my master project folder.

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago



to confirm the error, i tried clone the repo and install package, on linux everything works as it should, even without .env.local file. probably due to differences in computer OS. you can try fix up stream peer dependence

try this npm install --legacy-peer-deps npm audit fix --force

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

this is my email : majisourav810@gmail.com

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

and I am trying your above solution let's see if that works

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

I tried running this above commands it still give same error , now i am trying to create nextjs starter package and adding all those files and isnatlling depending starting from scartch hope this works

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

I tried running this above commands it still give same error , now i am trying to create nextjs starter package and adding all those files and isnatlling depending starting from scartch hope this works


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

@souravmaji1 My suggestion in package.json remove react-3d-hover before installing the package. that package only runs on react 17. Then you can edit and remove all <Hover element in the every component, you will notice the error must be shown.

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

sorry , it was my mistake I was using older version of nodejs for that reason it was giving error

but now the main problem came , basically I want to ask you which are the contracts you have used using thriwed also any permission provided from any contract to another ( as I am getting error while listing nfts )


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

sorry , it was my mistake I was using older version of nodejs for that reason it was giving error

but now the main problem came , basically I want to ask you which are the contracts you have used using thriwed also any permission provided from any contract to another ( as I am getting error while listing nfts )


it's all in the README.md file at the bottom


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

I suggest using a smart contract from thirdweb, because if you use another contract provider you have to adjust the codes with the ABI smartcontract in the website component.

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

yes , I am using all the contracts from thirdweb

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

after I have deployed every contract correctly then also this error is showing

but I have noticed that this error comes into your dapp too , the link(vercel) of your dapp i tried uploading nfts when i set 0.001 it shows same error but when i changed the price to 0.1 it uploaded successfully and in my case whether i put 0.1 or 0.001 it still gives error and doesn't get uploaded

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

after I have deployed every contract correctly then also this error is showing ssss

but I have noticed that this error comes into your dapp too , the link(vercel) of your dapp i tried uploading nfts when i set 0.001 it shows same error but when i changed the price to 0.1 it uploaded successfully and in my case whether i put 0.1 or 0.001 it still gives error and doesn't get uploaded


It always happens, try to go to the pages/api folder, then open the file generate-mint-signature.js then in the line const sdk = ThirdwebSDK.fromPrivateKey(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, NETWORK_CHAIN_NAME); remove NETWORK_CHAIN_NAME replace with original. whatever network you use. so it will look like this. const sdk = ThirdwebSDK.fromPrivateKey(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, "goerli-testnet");

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

still getting the same error , do i need to replace anything in any other pages ?

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

can you provide your folder which you have used while running the dapp , so that i can see the error in my folder which I am making

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

can you provide your folder which you have used while running the dapp , so that i can see the error in my folder which I am making

I have replaced it on my dapp, and it can upload immediately. the error in the console just leads to it.

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

can you provide your folder which you have used while running the dapp , so that i can see the error in my folder which I am making

pages > api > generate-mint-signature.js

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

Is this is correct ?


souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

I am getting this error after i upload nft and click on mint+list button in the console Capture

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

basically , i am writing wrong chain name , what will be the chain name if i have deployed to bnb testnet as i have seen in the (alinks) page in the chain name section 97 chain id network name is BNBTestnet but is is giving error


souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

added the correct name but lastly it is giving new error


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

basically , i am writing wrong chain name , what will be the chain name if i have deployed to bnb testnet as i have seen in the (alinks) page in the chain name section 97 chain id network name is BNBTestnet but is is giving error


Chain Name for BNB testnet is binance-testnet

daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

Is this is correct ?


Which network do you deploy smart contracts on thirdweb? use the same network address as the smart contract you deployed.

souravmaji1 commented 1 year ago

hi , I have solved the error and it is working smoothly and I would thank you for bring supportive and guiding me along with this project

thanks a lot


daffadevhosting commented 1 year ago

hi , I have solved the error and it is working smoothly and I would thank you for bring supportive and guiding me along with this project

thanks a lot


oke.. nice.. happy codding