dafizilla / firefox-table2clipboard

If you want to paste data in Microsoft Excel on OpenOffice Calc with correct disposition simply use Table2Clipboard
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Firefox table2clipboard extension not compartable with e10s (multi-process) #1

Open MurzNN opened 7 years ago

MurzNN commented 7 years ago

Seems that table2clipboard Firefox extension is not compartable with e10s (multi-process) - it not working with enabled multi-process (menu item is disappear). Can you update for support this mode?

dafi commented 7 years ago

Hi, making T2C working with new extension model is pretty impossible so I suppose this extension will die

I hope to find a compromise to make it usable but it's really hard

MurzNN commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reply, seems that you must use WebExtensions API for new Firefox versions support.

Maybe you can look at Chome extensions that provide same functional?

Here is some examples: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/columncopy/lapbbfoohlcmlbdaakldmmallcbcbpjb?hl=en-US https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/table-capture/iebpjdmgckacbodjpijphcplhebcmeop?hl=en-US https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/copy-vertically-on-html-t/nojhhcfadghbjammgogoepokijaaihcb?hl=en-US

Also another Firefox extension https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tabletools2/ works well in Firefox 53 alpha - show menu item, but Table2Clipboard not show menu item.

bbayles commented 7 years ago

I've loved Table2Clipboard for many years, so I'm hoping there will be a way to port it to the new model. As above, the Table Capture Chrome extension is explicitly inspired by T2C, so I hope it shows a way forward.

Many thanks for making this extension!

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

Setting browser.tabs.remote.force-enable to false enables t2c again. but may break other extensions like ublock.

MurzNN commented 6 years ago

Setting browser.tabs.remote.force-enable to false enables t2c again.

@markusb68 For me setting browser.tabs.remote.force-enable to false enable e10s on FF 56 successfully with t2c extension active, but after this - t2c stops adding t2c menu to right click on table. Did your FF adds menuitem normally with e10s enabled?

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

try and set browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 to false and browser.tabs.remote.autostart to false

Then Menu is OK. But Remember: You need to richt click on a table cell to get T2C menu item.

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

try and set browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 to false and browser.tabs.remote.autostart to false

Then Menu is OK. But Remember: You need to richt click on a table cell to get T2C menu item.

Also check about:support: Multiprocess Windows must be 0/1 (Disabled)

MurzNN commented 6 years ago

Those changes will disable e10s and we comes back to Firefox 40 :) I want to have Multiprocess with t2c together.

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, a.f.a.i.k. This is NOT Possible. Dafi needs to rewrite a lot of code for that. What do you need Multiprocess for ?

MurzNN commented 6 years ago

Similar extension TableTools2 seems work normally with e10s force-enabled.

MurzNN commented 6 years ago

This is issue (feature request) for searching easy solution to make t2c compatible with e10s. I want multiprocess for increase Firefox performance and see crash restoring per-tab, not in the whole browser.

Very sad if this is not possible without total rewrite of code :(

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

With FF 57 T2C won't work anyway. It's still marked "Legacy".


markusb68 commented 6 years ago

IMHO FF with Multiprocess is not remarkably faster.

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

But anyhow, I NEED this T2C Function every day and would like to see Dafi spending the efffort, as long as there is no FF57 compatible replacement!

MurzNN commented 6 years ago

We can enable legacy extensions in Firefox 57 so if t2c can be easy patched for support e10s - this will be good improvement. In other extension sometimes we need to change only small lines in code for add support e10s. t2c don't need access to other tabs, so maybe there are exists some easy small fix for this.

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

Won't bet on that. on ghacks.net they write:

Legacy extension support will be dropped when the Beta version is updated to version 57 on October 10, 2017, and when the Release version of Firefox is updated to version 57 on November 14, 2017.

Nightly is special, as users of Firefox Nightly may bypass the restriction that blocks the usage of legacy extensions in the browser. The switch won't be part of Firefox Beta or Release.

markusb68 commented 6 years ago

Check out Waterfox as an alternative

dafi commented 6 years ago


I don't have time and energy to verify if T2C can be ported

MurzNN commented 6 years ago

I have found some replacements of table2clipboard extension for Firefox 57+ based on Webextensions API: