daflh / vredeburg

A simple starter project to create a blog using Eleventy and Tailwind CSS
MIT License
185 stars 67 forks source link

video versioned of this template. #2

Closed omgbox closed 3 years ago

omgbox commented 3 years ago

hello friend, is it possible you can make another theme based on vredeburg but for video. which looks like this, i want to share anime and i want to display 4 small thumbs on the front page with tags . Image of Yaktocat

daflh commented 3 years ago

Hmm... you can change the code in src / _includes / partials / post-grid.njk But why do you need 4 thumbnails for each anime?

omgbox commented 3 years ago

Hmm... you can change the code in src / _includes / partials / post-grid.njk But why do you need 4 thumbnails for each anime?

thanks i figured it out, now i just need to change the css, i want to show different times in video with 4 thumbnails it is just something i like to do it is nothing specific.
