dafny-lang / dafny

Dafny is a verification-aware programming language
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Dafny encountered an internal error #2780

Open sligocki opened 2 years ago

sligocki commented 2 years ago

I encountered the following error. Version v2.8.2 in Visual Studios.

    "resource": "/Users/sl929/fun/dafny_projects/busy_beaver/tape.dfy",
    "owner": "dafny-vscode",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "Dafny encountered an internal error. Please report it at <https://github.com/dafny-lang/dafny/issues>.\ncce+UnreachableException: Exception of type 'cce+UnreachableException' was thrown.\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Resolver.SubstType(Type type, Dictionary`2 subst)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Substituter.Substitute(Expression expr)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Substituter.Substitute(Expression expr)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Translator.AddFunctionConsequenceAxiom(Function boogieFunction, Function f, List`1 ens)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Translator.AddClassMember_Function(Function f)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Translator.AddFunction_Top(Function f, Boolean includeAllMethods)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Translator.AddClassMembers(TopLevelDeclWithMembers c, Boolean includeAllMethods, Boolean includeInformationAboutType)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Translator.AddTypeDecl(RevealableTypeDecl d)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Translator.DoTranslation(Program p, ModuleDefinition forModule)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.Translator.Translate(Program p, ErrorReporter reporter, TranslatorFlags flags)+MoveNext()\n   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)\n   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)\n   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()\n   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)\n--- End of stack trace from previous location ---\n   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)\n--- End of stack trace from previous location ---\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Language.DafnyProgramVerifier.GetVerificationTasksAsync(DocumentAfterResolution document, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Workspace.Compilation.PrepareVerificationTasksAsync(DocumentAfterResolution loaded, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n   at Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Workspace.Compilation.TranslateAsync()",
    "startLineNumber": 1,
    "startColumn": 1,
    "endLineNumber": 1,
    "endColumn": 2

File tape.dfy

include "turing_machine.dfy"

// Generic Tape interface with all necessary post-conditions listed.
abstract module TapeInterface {
  import TM : TuringMachineInterface

  type Symbol = TM.Symbol
  type Tape

  function Blank(init_symbol : Symbol) : Tape
    ensures forall pos :: Read(Blank(init_symbol), pos) == init_symbol

  function Read(tape : Tape, pos : int) : Symbol

  function Write(tape : Tape, pos : int, val : Symbol) : Tape
    ensures Read(Write(tape, pos, val), pos) == val
    ensures forall p2 :: p2 != pos ==>
      Read(Write(tape, pos, val), p2) == Read(tape, p2)

// Stack-allocated, non-mutable Tape representation convenient for
// specification
module Tape refines TapeInterface {
  datatype Tape = Tape(
    data : map<int, Symbol>,
    init_symbol : Symbol

  function Blank(init_symbol : Symbol) : Tape {
    Tape(data := map[], init_symbol := init_symbol)

  function Read(tape : Tape, pos : int) : Symbol {
    if pos in tape.data then tape.data[pos] else tape.init_symbol

  // Return a new Tape with update written.
  function Write(tape : Tape, pos : int, val : Symbol) : Tape {
    Tape(data := tape.data[pos := val],
         init_symbol := tape.init_symbol)

File turing_machine.dfy:

abstract module TuringMachineInterface {
  type State
  type Symbol
  type TM

  datatype StateOrHalt = State(state : State) | Halt

  datatype Dir = Right | Left
  datatype Transition =
    Transition(symbol : Symbol, state : StateOrHalt, dir : Dir)

  function LookupTrans(
    tm : TM, state : State, symbol : Symbol) : Transition

module TuringMachineNat refines TuringMachineInterface {
  type State = nat
  type Symbol = nat
robin-aws commented 2 years ago

By running your example through the dafny CLI I can see the underlying error:

tape.dfy[Tape](7,16): Error: a compiled module is not allowed to use an abstract module (TM)

That's because in TapeInterface you specify that TM must be a module that refines TuringMachineInterface, but the concrete Tape module doesn't specify which concrete module it uses. Adding import TM = TuringMachineNat to the top of that module resolves the error and is what I believe you intended.

This still exposes that there are incorrect assumptions about resolution that only the language server exposes for some reason though, so thank you for the bug report!

sligocki commented 1 year ago

Thanks, glad I could help.