dafny-lang / dafny

Dafny is a verification-aware programming language
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Print for humans #3857

Open seebees opened 1 year ago

seebees commented 1 year ago


The print function is for humans to look at output.

Background and Motivation

Humans enjoy whitespace. While JSON can be printed as one big string on a single line, no reasonable human wants to read this.

The Dafny print function stuffs everything onto a single line :( It would be so nice to have the output be easily readable.

Proposed Feature


datatype Foo = Foo(bar: string, baz: string)
print [Foo("What part", "am I?")];

This will output [Module_Compile.Foo.Foo(What part, am I?)]

Instead do this

    bar: "What part",
    baz: "am I?"


No response

robin-aws commented 1 year ago

I'd be much happier with this functionality in a user code library rather than Dafny itself. Since you mention JSON, that's a much smaller scope to handle than arbitrary Dafny values, so perhaps we can add that feature to https://github.com/dafny-lang/libraries/pull/51 as a fast-follow after getting it merged.