dafny-lang / dafny

Dafny is a verification-aware programming language
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Bad code generated in Rust for recursive function having a local variable with the same name as a parameter. #5647

Closed ajewellamz closed 2 days ago

ajewellamz commented 1 month ago

Dafny version

latest feat-rust

Code to produce this issue

function method {:tailrecursion} GetMaps(
    opts : string,
    shortMap : map<char, string> := map[])
    : map<char, string> 
    if |opts| == 0 then
      var shortMap := shortMap[opts[0] := "spoo"];
      GetMaps(opts[1..], shortMap)

Command to run and resulting output

dafny -noVerify -compileTarget:rs -compile:0 -functionSyntax:3 -spillTargetCode:3 mapfail.dfy

     1  #![allow(warnings, unconditional_panic)]
     2  #![allow(nonstandard_style)]
     4  pub mod _module {
     5    pub struct _default {}
     7    impl _default {
     8      pub fn GetMaps(opts: &::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>, shortMap: &::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>>) -> ::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>> {
     9        let mut opts = opts.clone();
    10        let mut shortMap = shortMap.clone();
    11        'TAIL_CALL_START: loop {
    12          if opts.cardinality() == ::dafny_runtime::int!(0) {
    13            return shortMap.clone();
    14          } else {
    15            let mut shortMap: ::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>> = shortMap.update_index(&opts.get(&::dafny_runtime::int!(0)), &::dafny_runtime::string_of("spoo"));
    16            let mut _in0: ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar> = opts.drop(&::dafny_runtime::int!(1));
    17            let mut _in1: ::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>> = shortMap.clone();
    18            opts = _in0.clone();
    19            shortMap = _in1.clone();
    20            continue 'TAIL_CALL_START;
    21          }
    22        }
    23      }
    24    }
    25  }

What happened?

Line 10 declares shortMap, which is the return value.

Line 15 declares a shadowing shortMap.

Line 19 updates the shadow defined on line 15, not the "real" one defined on line 10.

Then the function returns an empty map, instead of one with data in it.

What type of operating system are you experiencing the problem on?


ssomayyajula commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report; do you mind showing the output without the {:tailrecursion} attribute? The variable capture may happen due to that optimization.

ajewellamz commented 1 month ago

The output is exactly the same. This is expected, because all {:tailrecursion} does is throw an error if tail recursion isn't possible.

ssomayyajula commented 1 month ago

(Documenting for anyone watching) workaround: assign a fresh name to shortMap in the else branch

MikaelMayer commented 1 month ago

Among all possible solutions, I found that this one works pretty straightforward. We change the recursive name variable to unique names independent of the parameter names, and then we assign the parameter names at the beginning of the loop.

     1  #![allow(warnings, unconditional_panic)]
     2  #![allow(nonstandard_style)]
     4  pub mod _module {
     5    pub struct _default {}
     7    impl _default {
     8      pub fn GetMaps(opts: &::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>, shortMap: &::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>>) -> ::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>> {
     9        let mut _r0 = opts;
    10        let mut _r1 = shortMap;
    11        'TAIL_CALL_START: loop {
    11bis       let opts = _r0;
    11ter       let shortMap = _r1;
    12          if opts.cardinality() == ::dafny_runtime::int!(0) {
    13            return shortMap.clone();
    14          } else {
    15            let mut shortMap: ::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>> = shortMap.update_index(&opts.get(&::dafny_runtime::int!(0)), &::dafny_runtime::string_of("spoo"));
    16            let mut _in0: ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar> = opts.drop(&::dafny_runtime::int!(1));
    17            let mut _in1: ::dafny_runtime::Map<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar, ::dafny_runtime::Sequence<::dafny_runtime::DafnyChar>> = shortMap.clone();
    18            _r0 = _in0.clone();
    19            _r1 = _in1.clone();
    20            continue 'TAIL_CALL_START;
    21          }
    22        }
    23      }
    24    }
    25  }

The rationale is the following: