type Msg = int
datatype Type =
| Send(next: map<Msg, Type>)
| Recv(next: map<Msg, Type>)
| End() {
predicate CanSend(msg: Msg) {
match this
case Send(next) => msg in next
case Recv(next) => forall msg <- next :: next[msg].CanSend(msg)
case End() => false
method Main() {
var x := Recv(map[1 := Send(map[2 := End()])]);
// by clause verifies, but not the assert itself
assert x.CanSend(2) by {
forall msg <- x.next ensures x.next[msg].CanSend(2) { }
Command to run and resulting output
dafny verify ...
What happened?
This should verify...right?
What type of operating system are you experiencing the problem on?
Dafny version
Code to produce this issue
Command to run and resulting output
What happened?
This should verify...right?
What type of operating system are you experiencing the problem on?