dafny-lang / dafny

Dafny is a verification-aware programming language
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Unable to assert quantification over map comprehension #5775

Closed ssomayyajula closed 2 months ago

ssomayyajula commented 2 months ago

Dafny version


Code to produce this issue

type Msg = int

datatype Type =
| Send(next: map<Msg, Type>)
| Recv(next: map<Msg, Type>)
| End() {
  predicate CanSend(msg: Msg) {
    match this
    case Send(next) => msg in next
    case Recv(next) => forall msg <- next :: next[msg].CanSend(msg)
    case End()      => false

method Main() {
  var x := Recv(map[1 := Send(map[2 := End()])]);
  // by clause verifies, but not the assert itself
  assert x.CanSend(2) by {
    forall msg <- x.next ensures x.next[msg].CanSend(2) { }

Command to run and resulting output

dafny verify ...

What happened?

This should verify...right?

What type of operating system are you experiencing the problem on?


ssomayyajula commented 2 months ago

Closing because of typo + can't reproduce my issue on this smaller example