daformat / cryptris

Cryptris, a game about asymmetric cryptography
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Add easter egg(s) #16

Open daformat opened 10 years ago

daformat commented 10 years ago

We could use our faces as the scientist's avatar when typing our names as the user name in new-login :)

Léo Ducas Anthony Teston ...

daformat commented 10 years ago

We should transliterate and lowercase the names before checking.

daformat commented 10 years ago


lducas commented 10 years ago

Why not Snowden for the easter egg ?

daformat commented 10 years ago

Haha I'd totally love that :)

lducas commented 10 years ago

Ok, I'd say unlock the easter egg by winning in the arcade mode, expert difficulty, giving the private key to the adversary (playing fast enough and using the "double click down" to accelerate the fall of brick it is quite easy to do).

lducas commented 10 years ago

Or Assange. Tough call...

daformat commented 10 years ago

Ok for Assange, that could work, but I'm not sure we should unlock the easter egg this way: on public demonstration computers the easter egg would be unlocked almost all the time.

I think that using some "cheat codes" as the username would be a good way to trigger something.

Heck we could even display a special avatar when detecting XSS attempts :)

lducas commented 10 years ago

Deal for the XSS detection !

Second thought on Assange, too controversial http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange#Accusations_de_viol_en_Su.C3.A8de_en_2010 .