dafta / DeckMTP

A DeckyLoader plugin for enabling MTP transfer over USB
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DeckMTP does't work with SteamOS 3.4.10 #16

Closed wzchwzch closed 4 months ago

wzchwzch commented 9 months ago

DeckMTP does't work when I update SteamOS from 3.4.8 to 3.4.10

anhcestor commented 9 months ago

Same here doesn’t work either

parkerlreed commented 9 months ago

You need to be on BIOS 115 or 118 from the current Main channel. 116 dual role does not work

anhcestor commented 9 months ago

You need to be on BIOS 115 or 118 from the current Main channel. 116 dual role does not work

I am on bios 115 and it doesn’t work it has always worked for me for months should I upgrade to 118?

parkerlreed commented 9 months ago

115 should be working. Is it giving you any errors?

anhcestor commented 9 months ago

115 should be working. Is it giving you any errors?

It is my windows laptop can’t read any of it and also for reference I am on windows 10 has always worked fine for me for months on bios 115

anhcestor commented 9 months ago

DeckMTP does't work when I update SteamOS from 3.4.8 to 3.4.10

I finally found a fix first download this file https://gitlab.com/evlaV/jupiter-hw-support/-/blob/5644a5692db16b429b09e48e278b484a2d1d4602/usr/share/jupiter_bios/F7A0115_sign.fd

After downloading this file go to downloads in Dolphin and right-click the file to open in the terminal. After the file is opened in terminal. Paste this command below

sudo /usr/share/jupiter_bios_updater/h2offt F7A0115_sign.fd -ALL

After pasting the command it will ask for your sudo password type it in and after that your steam deck will start downloading the bios and you should be good. I was already on bios 115 but had to redownload and this was the only thing that worked.

parkerlreed commented 9 months ago

Dual Role Device works on 118 for what it's worth.

anhcestor commented 9 months ago

Dual Role Device works on 118 for what it's worth.

Should I just upgrade to 118 then ? Also where can I find the bios 118 file.

parkerlreed commented 9 months ago

118 can be had from either Main channel or via the same repo linked above.

Keep in mind the BIOS unlocker doesnt work for 118 if you were doing over/under clocking.

Ditpo commented 9 months ago

Just a heads up: updating to 118 broke audio and touch on my deck, reverting to 115 fixed that. Steam Deck OS 3.4.10

Don't know if it's an issue with mainboard revisions, I bought one of the first valve refurbished units when they started selling them.

parkerlreed commented 9 months ago

Just a heads up: updating to 118 broke audio and touch on my deck, reverting to 115 fixed that. Steam Deck OS 3.4.10

Don't know if it's an issue with mainboard revisions, I bought one of the first valve refurbished units when they started selling them.

118 will break audio and touch if you "Load optimized defaults"

Should be fine otherwise.

Ditpo commented 9 months ago

118 will break audio and touch if you "Load optimized defaults"

Should be fine otherwise.

Any way to fix that afterwards without flashing an older bios? If not, then that's not really a solution that should be offered imo.

There's always a chance that sometime down the line one might load optimized defaults and not know what happened...

parkerlreed commented 9 months ago

Which is why 118 is still in testing and not released to beta or stable :)

You can upgrade to 118 and it will be fine as long as you don't load the defaults.

Ideally 118 isn't what is going to hit stable in the future. Probably some later revision in that case.

L1Z3 commented 8 months ago

Doesn't seem like DRD works in BIOS 118 for me.

EDIT: I tried downgrading back to BIOS 115, but SteamOS auto-updated to BIOS 116. I then manually flashed BIOS 118 (instead of updating through Main channel), and now DRD works.

dafta commented 4 months ago

DRD is broken for now, at least until the newest BIOS hits stable.