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Multiple gloss word senses and place glosses #9

Open dag opened 15 years ago

dag commented 15 years ago

These two are technically different because sorpa'a has a "sense" associated with it.

<donri> find --gloss hope
<makfa> 2 entries: {a'o} "hope"; {sorpa'a} "hope"

This should perhaps be reflected in representation, and be searchable in some manner.

<donri> find --gloss hope --sense "medium probability"
<makfa> 1 entry: {sorpa'a} "hope" (medium probability)

Some definitions have gloss words for places above x1:

<nlword word="penguin species" valsi="zipcpi" place="2" />

This is however not reflected by makfa:

<donri> gloss zipcpi
<makfa> penguin

Neither are these searchable:

<donri> find --gloss "penguin species"
<makfa> no entries

Not a big issue since, sadly, few entries have these. Still, the information should be used. Not quite sure how to represent it though.

dag commented 15 years ago

finding by >1 glosses possible since dd25d435b9923b62bde4627a0f778b5d8a4e99b8. senses are shown where glosses are shown since c0aa234c11f76b0c294585d49f876b1988f78451, but not yet searchable.

for places i'm considering a --place switch to gloss.

dag commented 15 years ago

gloss --place since aacd79596b0460831ea0843eb8cb7bb49c7c7e66.

only thing missing to close this ticket is now find --sense. maybe a sense command or a gloss --sense is needed too since these are not shown in nested gloss output.