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Change repoURL for manuela-central/argocd-hub-centraldatacenter.yaml #1

Open claudiol opened 3 years ago

claudiol commented 3 years ago

The current repoURL variable in the manuela-central/argocd-hub-centraldatacenter.yaml points to the old repository. This needs to point to the new dagger-refuse-cool/manuela-gitops.git repository.

source: repoURL: https://github.com/redhat-edge-computing/manuela-gitops.git targetRevision: HEAD path: deployment/hub-centraldatacenter

source: repoURL: https://github.com/dagger-refuse-cool//manuela-gitops.git <=== This needs to be updated. targetRevision: HEAD path: deployment/hub-centraldatacenter

NOTE: The question here is whether or not the manuela-gitops is it's own repository.

claudiol commented 3 years ago

A lot of this will be resolved by ckupe's pull request: https://github.com/dagger-refuse-cool/blueprint-elements-library/pull/2