daggeron / Mogster

Proof of concept Weakaura like system for Final Fantasy 14
MIT License
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Generate code to replay an ACT FFXIV log file through mogster #19

Open daggeron opened 5 years ago

Dalran commented 5 years ago

Hmmm please provide details about what you want replay to be

daggeron commented 5 years ago

Open an FFXIV ACT log file Read each line

String[] chunks = logLine.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            chunks[0] //opcode.  Just convert this into (enum)LogMessageType
            chunks[1] //Time.  Ideally take the first entry and use it as a relative time.  
//Join the remaining chunks into a string with pipes | as delimiter
//Then stream the events chronologically. 
//If a fight is 10 minutes long it should take 10 minutes to go through this.  
//Would be nice to be able to speed up/slow down

Send each line to https://github.com/daggeron/Mogster/blob/c232cb97e93385f07495a805163a8d5031abeab5/Mogster.Core/Harness/FFXIVPlugin/BlankLogOutput.cs#L123

IoC is in place so BlankLogOutput will be part of your constructor

Dalran commented 5 years ago

I’ll see if I can build in a time factor as an optional parameter