dagolden / Capture-Tiny

(Perl) Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
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new develop prereq on 'English'? #44

Closed karenetheridge closed 8 years ago

karenetheridge commented 8 years ago

This started happening in version 0.31. Possibly from an upgraded dzil plugin? I'd like to root this out at the source if possible - English is evil.

karenetheridge commented 8 years ago

10:56 <%xdg> ether, https://metacpan.org/source/JQUELIN/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Perl-Critic-3.000/lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/Test/Perl/Critic.pm#L150

karenetheridge commented 8 years ago

created https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=114152 -- when that is fixed, this issue should resolve itself with no intervention.