dagrejs / dagre

Directed graph layout for JavaScript
MIT License
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Create a Raphäel example #42

Open j-a-m-l opened 11 years ago

j-a-m-l commented 11 years ago

It could be a good way to show how use Dagre with other rendering engine.

mchicalski commented 11 years ago

thanks for this lib its really easy to use as calling

dagre.layout() .nodes(nodes) .edges(edges) .run();


main code of my 1st attempt using dagre and jsplumb, inside a jsf project

            <h:dataTable id="edges-table" value="#{treeBean.edges}" var="edge">
                      <script type="text/javascript">
                            source: $("##{edge.source.id}"),
                            target: $("##{edge.target.id}"),
                            paintStyle:{lineWidth:1, strokeStyle: '#555', dashstyle: "16 0"},
                            anchors:["Continuous", "Continuous"],
                            connector: "Straight"

            <script type="text/javascript">
                $(function() {
                function initDagrePlumb() {
                    var nodes = new Array();
                    $.each($(".window"), function(name, obj) {
                        obj.width = 350;
                        obj.height = 180;
                        nodes[name] = obj;

                    var edges = new Array();
                    var i = 0;
                    jsPlumb.select().each(function(connection) {
                        var edge = new Object();
                        edge.source = connection.target[0];
                        edge.target = connection.source[0];
                        edge.label = "";
                        edges[i++] = edge;


                    $.each(nodes, function(name, obj) {
                        $("#"+obj.id).css({"left": obj.dagre.x + 150});
                        $("#"+obj.id).css({"top": obj.dagre.y});


mchicalski commented 11 years ago

missing code, nodes are just divs.. css class window

            <h:dataTable value="#{treeBean.nodes}" var="node">
                      <div id="#{node.id}" style="width: 290px; height: 40px;" class="window">
                                        <b>#{node.toString()} </b>