The type of a loaded static partitioned upstream asset is different depending on whether the static partition definition has one partition or more than one partition.
For my downstream asset to behave consistently under the scenario where the partition definition has 1 or more partitions I need to convert the input to dict which isn't a pretty pattern.
Realise fixing this might be a breaking change and realise there's likely a motivation for the current behaviour I'm missing!
What did you expect to happen?
For the loaded asset to always return a dictionary of the following format even if the dictionary only has one element.
Dagster version
dagster, version 1.3.13
What's the issue?
The type of a loaded static partitioned upstream asset is different depending on whether the static partition definition has one partition or more than one partition.
For my downstream asset to behave consistently under the scenario where the partition definition has 1 or more partitions I need to convert the input to dict which isn't a pretty pattern.
Realise fixing this might be a breaking change and realise there's likely a motivation for the current behaviour I'm missing!
What did you expect to happen?
For the loaded asset to always return a dictionary of the following format even if the dictionary only has one element.
{partition_key: partitioned_asset_value}
How to reproduce?
Example 1, asset_1 is of type int:
Example 2, asset_1 is of type dict
The pattern I find myself writing to ensure consistent behaviour.
Deployment type
Deployment details
No response
Additional information
I am using dagster 1.3.13 as the example above with multiple partitions won't work due to this bug
Message from the maintainers
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