dagster-io / dagster

An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
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[Dagit] Make it obvious how to un-expand/unexplode a graph or keep the "Explode graphs" checkmark option visible? #6598

Open pybokeh opened 2 years ago

pybokeh commented 2 years ago

Two things: 1) In dagit UI "Overview" tab, if I expand a graph using the orange label "Expand" button, not the checkmark "Explode graphs" option, it isn't obvious to me how to un-expand it. Furthermore, the "Explode graphs" check/uncheck option then becomes no longer available or visible. I have to click on the job/graph name over on the left panel to un-expand/unexplode the graph. I find it confusing that the check/uncheck option "Explode graphs" is no longer visible when I would expect it to still be there. Perhaps make it still available and as checked so that I can then uncheck it to unexplode my graph.

2) Why use both expand and explode terminology? I would suggest to stick with one or the other.

EDIT: Using Chrome browser and dagster/dagit version 0.13.19.

pybokeh commented 2 years ago

Maybe another option instead of keeping the "Explode graphs" check/uncheck option visible is to add a minus sign surrounded by square brackets: [-] located top right corner of the expanded view to indicate to user that if user clicks on [-], the graph will then be unexpanded.

sryza commented 2 years ago

@yuhan @braunjj

yuhan commented 2 years ago

Hi @pybokeh Thanks for the feedback! Yes I totally agree with you and think there could lots of room for improvements here. Me and @braunjj will sync up on the design and keep you posted once we have an update.

mkleinbort-ic commented 1 year ago

Hi @yuhan / @braunjj - you may want to have a look at this related issue: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/14182