dagwieers / asciidoc-odf

ODF backend for AsciiDoc
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Standardize style names/classes #5

Closed dagwieers closed 12 years ago

dagwieers commented 12 years ago

Before we can release the ODF backend to the public, we need to have standardized style names/classes because any changes afterwards may impact existing and modified styles created by users.

dagwieers commented 12 years ago

As per elextr on https://github.com/dagwieers/asciidoc-odf/issues/7

As threatened, my first go at defining what classes are used in xhtml.

Sadly it still uses some ids and tags for style control.

Maybe you can fill in the style names to be used in ODT.

Cheers Lex

Asciidoc Styles

XHTML Classes as of 8.6.6

[cols="1,1,5"] |========= ^e| XHTML Class ^e| ODT style ^e|Use | mathblock | | Asciimath or Latexmath blocks | content | | Included elements, images, math, listings, literal blocks, sidebars, open blocks, quote blocks, verse blocks, example blocks, admonition blocks | title | | Titles such as captions etc | image | | Images | imageblock | | Images in block context | footnote | | Footnotes | footnoteref | | References to footnotes | comment | | For comments when included | ulist | | Bulleted list | olist | | Numbered list | dlist | | Labelled list body & glossary | hdlist1 | | Heading for Labelled list item (default strong) | hdlist | | Horizontal labeled list body | hdlist2 | | Horizontal labeled list body? | compact | | Margins for text (lists and paragraph) | qlist | | q and a list | colist | | callout list | paragraph | | Default text paragraph | listingblock | | Listing blocks | literalblock | | Literal blocks | sidebarblock | | sidebars | openblock | | open blocks | quoteblock | | quote blocks | attribution | | citations | verseblock | | verse blocks | exampleblock | | example blocks | admonitionblock | | admonition text | table | | table text | header | | table header row | tableblock | | the whole table | float | | floating title | sectionbody | | body of a section | sect1 | | section level 1 wraps sectionbody | sect2 | | section level 2 wraps sectionbody | sect3 | | section level 3 wraps sectionbody | sect4 | | section level 4 wraps sectionbody | {doctype} | | wraps whole body, book, article, manpage |=========

Xhtml ids and tags used to control style by CSS

[cols="1,1,3"] |========== ^e| Tag or Id ^e| ODT style ^e| Use | h1-6 | | Title font, colours margins, borders | thead #toctitle #revnumber #revdate #revmark | | Title font | #author | | Title font and colour size and bold | #footer | | Title font, size, border, padding | #footer-text | | float padding | #footer-badges | | float, padding | #preamble | | margins | hr | | Rule | p | | margins colours | ul ol li | | margins colours list styles, qualifier on some list classes | dl dt dd | | margins colours, qualifier on some list classes | body | | margins | a | | links | em | | emphasis | strong | | strong | td | | margins, verse space | tfoot | | weight | #footnotes | | margins | tt | | monospace font | thead | | font |==========

Specific markups (mostly quotes and table styles) that are also styles

|=========== | emphasis | strong | monospaced | superscript | subscript |===========

These don't include any deprecated things.

dagwieers commented 12 years ago

The default stylesheet is now using the above style-names. For the XHTML elements I have opted to name them -element. So for a link it becomes a-element, and the name for the horizontal ruler style is hr-element.

dagwieers commented 12 years ago

I am closing this. Anything that is incorrect is considered a bug !