dahall / Vanara

A set of .NET libraries for Windows implementing PInvoke calls to many native Windows APIs with supporting wrappers.
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Interface not supported Exception while using the set operaiton in IMAPI #441

Closed BluerGost closed 3 months ago

BluerGost commented 4 months ago

I have attached the code I am using below. But during the [ iFileSystemImage.MultisessionInterfaces = iDiscFormat2Data.MultisessionInterfaces;] statement the code throws exception [Interface not supported]. Other properties also throw the same error during the [set].

public MediaInformation DetectMedia(IDiscRecorder2 discRecorder)
    MsftFileSystemImage fileSystemImage = new MsftFileSystemImage();
    MsftDiscFormat2Data discFormatData  = new MsftDiscFormat2Data();

        var iFileSystemImage = fileSystemImage as IFileSystemImage;
        var iDiscFormat2Data = discFormatData as IDiscFormat2Data;

        if (iFileSystemImage == null) 
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not cast to IFileSystemImage");
            return null;

        if (iDiscFormat2Data == null) 
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not cast to IDiscFormat2Data");
            return null;

        if (!iDiscFormat2Data.IsCurrentMediaSupported(discRecorder))
            Console.WriteLine("Current media is not supported");
            return null;

        var mediaInformation = new MediaInformation();

        // Get the media type in the recorder
        iDiscFormat2Data.Recorder = discRecorder;
        var mediaType = (iDiscFormat2Data).CurrentPhysicalMediaType;
        var mediaTypeString = GetMediaTypeString(mediaType);
        mediaInformation.MediaType = mediaTypeString;
        Console.WriteLine($"Media Type : 「{mediaTypeString}」");

        // Create a file system and select media type

        // See if there are other recored sessions on the disc
        if (!iDiscFormat2Data.MediaHeuristicallyBlank)
            iFileSystemImage.MultisessionInterfaces = iDiscFormat2Data.MultisessionInterfaces;

        var fileMediaBlocks = iFileSystemImage.FreeMediaBlocks;
        var totalDiskSize = 2048 * fileMediaBlocks;
        mediaInformation.TotalDiskSize = totalDiskSize;
        Console.WriteLine($"Total Disk Size : 「{totalDiskSize}」");

        return mediaInformation;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return null;
        if (fileSystemImage != null)

        if (discFormatData != null)
dahall commented 3 months ago

I think I've found the issue with setting IFileSystemImage.MultisessionInterfaces. Which other properties are failing settting?

dahall commented 3 months ago

Fixed for 4.0 build. Release coming soon.