dahall / Vanara

A set of .NET libraries for Windows implementing PInvoke calls to many native Windows APIs with supporting wrappers.
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Wrong layout of Shell32.STRRET structure in x64 process #453

Closed l-eugine closed 3 months ago

l-eugine commented 3 months ago

First some background, as this is probably not very common use case. I'm writing Namespace extension for windows explorer. As part of it I have own implementation for IShellFolder. Implementation of GetDisplayNameOf() method returns STRRET structure.

I'm replacing some of our native structure declarations with one's provided by Vanara.PInvoke.* libraries and faced issue when I've attempted to replace our declaration of STRRET with one, declared in Vanara.PInvoke.Shell32.STRRET.

Did some investigation and it looks like the issue is caused by the wrong layout of the Vanara structure when it is created in x64 process (in my case inside explorer.exe)

I have this structure declared as

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 264)]
public struct StrRet
    public STRRET_TYPE uType;
    public IntPtr pOleStr;

(it is rather simple because I needed only pOleStr member of union for my needs)

Vanara has more generic declaration with all members declared with explicit offset (simplified, as I'm focusing only on layout)

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 264)]
public struct STRRET
    public STRRET_TYPE uType;

    public StrPtrUni pOleStr; 

    public uint uOffset; // Offset into SHITEMID

    public StrPtrAnsi cStr;

When I've tried to replace my structure with Vanara - shell stopped rendering display names of objects in my NSE. Once I switch to my structure everything works fine again.

I've written a simple code to check the layout of structures and it appears that in x64 process, in my structure actual offset of pOleStr field is 8, not 4: (you need to remove Prefer32 check mark in console project build properties)

var strS = new StrRet();
var strE = new STRRET();
byte* addr = (byte*) &strS;
Console.WriteLine($"Ptr size: {IntPtr.Size}");

Console.WriteLine("Size:      {0}", sizeof(StrRet));
Console.WriteLine("pOleStr Offset: {0}", (byte*)&strS.pOleStr - addr);

addr = (byte*) &strE;
Console.WriteLine("Size:      {0}", sizeof(STRRET));
Console.WriteLine("pOleStr Offset: {0}", (byte*)&strE.pOleStr - addr);


Ptr size: 8
Size:      264
pOleStr Offset: 8
Size:      264
pOleStr Offset: 4

So I have to stick with our in-house declaration of STRRET structure for the time been. And I propose to eventually fix the declaration of this structure in Vanara.Shell32 library to properly support x64 processes

One possible way to resolve this in Vanara project and support all members of union is to implement union as a substructure, to avoid LayoutKind.Explicit on STRRET. Something like below:

public struct STRRET2
    public STRRET_TYPE uType;

    public STRRET_UNION union;

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 260)]
public struct STRRET_UNION
    [FieldOffset(0)] public IntPtr pOleStr;

    public uint uOffset; // Offset into SHITEMID

    public IntPtr cStr;

Thanks for great set of libraries, and that you keep evolving! Hope this would help to make them even better.

dahall commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the report and your suggestion. The 64-bit size is actually 272. I have fixed this in 4.0.1 which I'll release shortly.