Closed ryuapp closed 1 month ago
You can customize the text formatter of the sinks. However, it's not easy to just change the labels for log levels. The current workaround is like:
const sink = getConsoleSink({
formatter(record: string) {
const ts = new Date(record.timestamp);
let msg = "";
for (let i = 0; i < record.message.length; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 0) msg += record.message[i];
else msg += inspect(record.message[i]);
const category = record.category.join("\xb7");
return `${ts.toISOString().replace("T", " ").replace("Z", " +00:00")} [${
}] ${category}: ${msg}\n`;
I'm giving the default text formatter more flexibility in the next release, e.g.:
const sink = getConsoleSink({
formatter: getDefaultFormatter({
logLevel(level: LogLevel) {
return level.toUpperCase();
Your suggestion meets my requirements. I look forward to the next release. Thank you.
You can now customize each part of log messages. It's available for preview in v0.6.0-dev.74+f4e8f8e6 (JSR & npm).
I think this opinion is just a preference. Log levels are easier to understand with formal names.
Is it possible to provide an option that does not use abbreviations?